Page 7 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Village ~ January 2020 Issue
P. 7
european style
“Bring up the light
and shine by adding
gold elements to add
a touch of warmth.”
by Kathryn Weber home. Delicate trims on DESIGN & DECOR
curtains and upholstery
t’s hard to deny the style DECORATING pieces help add that special
and decor sensibilities something that designates a
Iof French style. Steeped look as French. A current
in grace and color, French trend now is caning. Caned
decor. No matter whether WITH FRENCH FLAIR chairs add a very French
style is timeless and brings a
worldly sophistication to any
touch to any room. Consider
flavor to your foyer or at
you’ve never traveled to a caned bench to add Parisian
France or you have been matched with delicate ones, gold elements, such as vases, contemporary painting the foot of the bed. Don’t
there many times, adding a and many times highlighted or golden candle holders has amazing contrast on a forget drapes. Drapes add a
French touch to your rooms in gold. Adding trim to walls to add a touch of warmth. wall with delicate moldings soft touch to a bedroom or
is easy with just a few style is an easy way to build in Look for areas of trim, such and trim detail. Adding living room and are often
guidelines. French charm. as the insets of doors, that something contemporary, pulled back with tie backs to
can be gilded with gold paint like a mid-century sofa, to frame the window elegantly.
SOPHISTICATED GILDED to add a gleaming touch to your French decor is a tasteful Color is also distinctive in
ELEGANCE The shining hallmark of your home’s architecture. In way to create a distinctively French design. There are no
French apartments and French design is its sparkle. the bathroom, a gold faucet Parisian look. It’s the ability half measures with color,
homes exude a simplicity Rooms are often a study in set dresses up a powder to mix styles so effortlessly and rooms may often be
and grandeur in one fell delicate elements that shine. bathroom and gives it the that makes a room have a awash in a particular hue,
swoop. With the backdrop From beautiful chandeliers luxe appeal of a Parisian French flair. or a color is used to make a
of a French apartment, filled and sconces that drip with hotel. dramatic accent. One thing
with elegant, tall windows cut crystals to touches THOROUGHLY DETAILED that you won’t find is beige
and plenty of architectural of gold, French homes BLENDING Just as in the cuisine, room. Color itself is used
detail, it’s hard to make a positively glimmer. Look Both stunning, and the French focus in design as a design feature, and it’s
decorative miss. There’s a for places to add crystal creating a bridge between is in the detail. It’s the little this attention to the aesthetic
key element to any French elements, such as a vase, or the centuries, is the melding touches that pull a room that marks French style. n
home, and that’s the adorning a hall sconce with of contemporary elements together. Luxurious fabrics
emphasis on both large and faceted crystals to sparkle with classical style that serve like damask prints and velvet ©2019 Kathryn Weber
small details, such as trim. when they’re lit. Bring up to anchor the past with are all something to be Distributed by Tribune
Thick moldings are often the light and shine by adding the present. An oversized expected in a French inspired Content Agency, LLC.
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