Page 8 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Village ~ January 2020 Issue
P. 8
family time
eeling disconnected for a night of fun—and together? There’s no better to six players age 12 and up tension of the blockbuster
from members of connection—all together. way for kids and parents to to choose a sinister character film as a family!
F your own family Today’s games provide relax and have fun together to play: Scar from “The Lion
lately? You’re not alone—a a huge range of choices to than a game that brings out King,” Ratigan from “The BOOST PROBLEM-
recent study by 72 Point for suit any age range, interests the best in everyone. Great Mouse Detective,” or SOLVING AND SMALL
Visit Anaheim found that or gaming styles, so there’s Yzma from “The Emperor’s MOTOR SKILLS
60% of parents with kids truly something for every Here are some examples New Groove.” Players put A brain-bending game for
between 4 and 18 described family to explore and enjoy of how games can boost strategy and logic to the test to all generations, Invasion of
their daily lives as “hectic.” specific skills, while also achieve their own diabolical the Cow Snatchers is an ‘out
Sadly, the survey also found providing plenty of giggles goals—and stop other villains of this world’ introduction
and excitement.
that today’s families only from completing their own to playing games at different
spend about 37 minutes of dastardly objectives. Games levels of skill while challenging
quality time together per TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE, like Disney Villainous are players as they learn how
especially fun because they to follow directions and
weekday. Between digital AND CREATIVITY can be expanded and played maneuver their flying saucer
distractions and our often A game that’s always with other characters in the around obstacles. Though
over-scheduled lives, even up-to-date, kNOW! uses series. Players can choose designed to be a one-player
sitting down for dinner the latest technology to help from a treasure trove of game, others can join in on
together can feel like a test the brain power of three villains including Maleficent, the fun too by collaborating
miracle to pull off, especially to six players, ages 10 and the Queen of Hearts, Ursula to solve puzzles together
as children head toward the up. Games go way beyond and more. and taking turns being the
tween and teen years. trivia—there are also puzzles magnetic “UFO.”
such as identifying a sound CREATE SUSPENSE
WHAT’S A SOLUTION? provided by Google Assistant, WHILE WORKING Schedule a family game
GATHER AROUND or creating a question to ask COOPERATIVELY night and turn that 37 minutes
THE TABLE Google Assistant to prompt JAWS brings the classic into an entire hour or more!
Set aside the gadgets and together. The added benefits it to say a provided word or movie and infamous shark to This is a perfect opportunity
gather around the table will astound you: Kids can phrase. This fast-moving game life in your very own living to turn off the phones for an
together for a good old- learn important lessons about provides constantly changing room. In this asymmetric, hour or two, and stock up on
fashioned family game night. sportsmanship and fair play, questions depending on where two-act board game, one some of the newest games that
Even if you start out with a develop communication and and when you play. player takes the role of the your kids will love to play.
monthly game night with the collaboration skills, increase shark while others take on Enjoy hanging out together
kids, chances are it will soon their fine motor, logic and ENJOY THE WICKED the parts of Chief Brody, and reconnecting as a family.
be popular enough to enjoy strategic thinking abilities— SIDE OF STRATEGY Quint and Hooper and work For more fun games
more often. Putting your and have a blast doing it. For a fun twist on together to defeat their toothy and puzzles to enjoy, visit
family’s game night on the When was the last time you everyone’s favorite movies, foe. For two to four players n
calendar will ensure everyone all just let loose and enjoyed Disney Villainous: Evil ages 12 and up, play JAWS
keeps their schedules clear laughing and being silly Comes Prepared allows two to recreate the excitement and ©2019 Brandpoint.
THE CAKE: • 1 teaspoon baking powder
• 2 cups granulated sugar • ⁄8 teaspoon baking soda
• ⁄2 cup vegetable oil • ⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
• ⁄2 cup sour cream THE GLAZE:
• Grated zest of 2 lemons • 1 ⁄2 cups confectioners sugar
• 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed • 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed
lemon juice lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon lemon extract
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract THE GARNISHES (optional):
• 2 large eggs, lightly beaten • Freshly whipped cream
• 1 ⁄2 cups cake flour • Fresh berries
DIRECTIONS Pour the resulting batter into the prepared
baking pan. Place the pan on the oven rack
Position a wire rack in the center of the and bake for about 30 minutes, until a long
oven. Preheat the oven to 350 F. With nonstick wooden toothpick inserted off the center of the
baking spray, evenly spray the bottom and sides cake comes out with just a few moist crumbs
of a 9-by-9-inch baking pan; set aside. clinging to it. Remove the cake from the oven
In a mixing bowl, combine the granulated and set aside on a wire rack.
sugar, vegetable oil, sour cream, lemon zest, Immediately put the confectioners sugar and
lemon juice, lemon and vanilla extracts, and lemon juice for the glaze in a small mixing
eggs. With a wire whisk, stir them together bowl. Stir them together with a small whisk
briskly until smoothly blended. or a fork until smooth, and then immediately
In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking pour the glaze evenly over the still-hot cake.
powder, baking soda, and salt; stir with a clean Serve the cake straight from the pan, hot,
whisk until thoroughly blended. Add these dry warm or at room temperature, cutting it into
ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir with squares. Garnish, if you like, with whipped
a whisk just until no streaks of the flour mixture cream and fresh berries. Makes one 9-by-9-
remain. inch cake. n
© 2019 Wolfgang Puck Worldwide, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.