Page 4 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Village ~ November & December 2019 Issue
P. 4

Q & A with the real estate expert
                            ASK ALLISON VAN WIG


                                       Dear Allison, My  long time. If a property  otherwise continue to rent.  attached to 75 percent of  under contract and those left
                                       neighbor’s home has  remains listed well beyond  Many sellers, however, take  closed sales. Of those, 56  unsold within that period.
                                Qbeen on the market  the average number of days  advantage of tight inventory  percent  involved  home Use the comps to set a price,
                                       for  nearly  four on  market  (DOM)  for  a  and jack up their asking   inspections and 46 percent  but only after doing all you
                                 months. Not only is the house  given area, buyers are going  prices. While list-price  hung  on the buyer’s ability  can to make certain your
                                 in one of the most coveted  to wonder why. What’s  increases are steady, they are  to get an acceptable appraisal  home deserves the amount
                                 locations in this city, but it  wrong  with  it?  Is  the  wiring  not dramatic; the same seems  of the property. Meanwhile,  you want for it.   n
                                 also ticks off nearly every box  faulty? Is there mold? Is the  to apply to sales as well.  19 percent of sellers sought to
                                 on a typical buyer’s wishlist. I  place haunted? Or is the seller   Summer is, traditionally,  incentivize prospective buyers,
                                 cannot fathom why it didn’t  simply asking too much?  the  peak  season  for  the  real  with 9 percent offering to pay
                                 get snatched up in less than a   Don’t expect buyers to  estate  business. The  overall  for closing costs and 8 percent
                                 month. I’m about to put my  see your property the same  median DOM in July was  providing a warranty.
                                 home on the market as well,  way you do. As far as they’re  about 29 days. So, while   Don’t list your home
                                 but I’m not trying to pay for  concerned, your sentiments  demand is strong, fear of a  before you’ve had a heart-
                                 two properties for half a year  are irrelevant. They don’t  shifting economy can shake  to-heart with your real estate
                                 or more. What’s going on?  care about the painstaking  consumer confidence. Those  agent. A price you consider
                                 Am I doomed to share my  process you went through to  who are undeterred by erratic  reasonable might not be
                                 neighbor’s plight? - Jeremy B. create a home or how much  news cycles are still vigilant to  realistic for today’s market.
                                                         money you need to afford  possible risks, however, and  Ask your agent to share
                                A     Dear Jeremy, New  your next house. They just  they want their bet to be a  comparable market analysis   (CA DRE #00985700) is the
                                                                                                                                         Allison Van Wig
                                                                                                          (CMA) of nearby homes that
                                       listings appear at the  want the product to be worth  sure thing.
                                                                                     According to the National  sold in the past six months.
                                       top of MLS active  what they’re willing to pay.
                                 sales  lists  and typically  sell   Falling interest rates are  Association of Realtors®   In addition to list and   Owner of Van Wig & Associates
                                                                                                                                     you can call or email her at:
                                 for significantly more than a  making homebuying doable  Confidence Index for July,  sale prices, the CMA will   562-882-1581 or
                                 house listed for a relatively  for many people who might  contract contingencies were  show  active  listings,  homes

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