Page 6 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Village ~ November & December 2019 Issue
P. 6

odds and ends
                           IN THE HOME

                                 STYLE YOUR HOME WITH AN E-DESIGNER

                               by Kathryn Weber               IDEAS, PLEASE
                                                           For homeowners who
                                     or many homeowners  have an idea of what they
                                     hiring an interior  want, working with an
                               F designer       was   a e-designer can be a snap.
                               daunting task, from finding  Online retailer, Wayfair.
                               the right designer, to finding  com, now offers e-designer
                               the designer who understands  services that range from
                               your style,  to finding  one  helping you select a new sofa
                               who’ll work within your  and rug ($29) to helping you
                               timeframe and budget, it was  create a design, shopping list
                               often a challenge. Today,  and online communication
                               though, almost anything can  ($79) to helping you all the
                               be  gotten  on  the  internet,  way from concept, an hour
                               including interior design and  of telephone consulting,
                               decorating through today’s  unlimited  messaging  and  a
                               e-designers. Best of all, with  3-D  room  design,  shopping
                               the introduction of e-Design,  list and inspiration board
                               hiring a designer or decorator  ($149). Once you’ve selected
                               can now be accomplished  the service you want, you’ll
                               with the click of a mouse and  see a variety of designers
                               more affordably.         to select from and you can
                                                        peruse their past projects
                                       OPTIONS          and read details about
                                  The old adage that you  them. Their experience and
                               can’t see the forest for the  training ranges, but you can
                               trees  is  often  true  in  home  often find interior designers   together, source your project  your job. It’s a great way to  too. A quick search online for
                               design. It’s not always easy  who have just what you’re   materials and items, and  get a variety of ideas -- and all  e-designers will provide you
                               to pull together a cohesive  looking for.         create a floor plan as part of  within your budget.  with plenty of options and
                               decorating plan for our own   Online decorating source   their offerings. The website   Have a simple question to  price ranges to match. So,
                               homes. That’s what makes  also  has  a  has a variety of designers and  ask? If you need to know what  whether you’ve got a quick
                               working with an e-designer so  listing of e-designers who  services to choose from that  color to paint your bedroom  question or need a full-fledged
                               convenient. Interior designers  can help you create a new  start when you take their  or what style of headboard  design, today you can get your
                               can now be hired to work  look  for  your  home.  They  design questionnaire. Once  would look best, submit  design needs fulfilled online
                               virtually and help you with  quote prices that range from  completed, you state your  your question to e-designer  and virtually, and within your
                               everything  from purchasing  a few hundred dollars to a  budget, add photos of the and for  budget.   n
                               furniture, developing a design  few thousand, depending  space you want to decorate  $175 you’ll get your question
                               board for you to follow, or  on size and complexity. The  and their cadre of  designers  answered. If you need   ©2019 Kathryn Weber.
                               even calling you when it’s  designers listed will help  will create a style board for  something more in depth,   Distributed by Tribune
                               time to install the drapes.  you pull a concept board  you and make a proposal for  they can help you with that,   Content Agency, LLC.

        by Kathryn Weber

               our dining table is the place you and
               your family gather around at the start
        Y and end of each day, and the place
        where you share special occasions or lay out
        a buffet for parties. So, when you’re in the
        market for a new dining table, look for one
        that fits your family, your style of dining and,
        of course, your space and budget.

                    SIZED RIGHT
           The starting point for any dining table
        purchase is the room where you’ll put it. It’s
        essential your table is correctly sized for the
        room. If it’s too small, the table won’t feel
        or look proportional. One rule of thumb for
        table size is to allow at least 30 to 36 inches
        of  walking  space  around  the  table  with  the
        chairs pushed in.

                   SHAPE COUNTS
           There are four main shapes to choose from
        in dining room tables, rectangle, square, round
        and oval. In the past, the shape of the room
        was often used to mirror the shape of the table,
        but that rule isn’t hard and fast. A less common
        shape that works well in a rectangular-shaped
        room is an oval table. This shape is a nice
        -shaped tables, and has a fresher feel than the  HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT TABLE FOR YOUR
        happy medium between round and rectangle

        standard rectangle. In a square dining room,
        select a square or round-shaped table.  DINING ROOM

                    TRY ON SIZE
           A good way to see if your table will fit
        and leave you room for other furniture and
        to move comfortably around the table is
        to use a model table. Using a large piece of   OTHER OPTIONS              it and crossing your legs, checking for room  with the table. Try an upholstered chair
        cardboard, cloth or plastic sheeting, cut out   Another  consideration  is  how  the  table  for your feet and legs.  instead of a wood one or a white chair with
        your sample table size. See how the shape,  is  constructed  underneath.  A  pedestal  table                   a wood table. There are a variety of choices
        size and placement fit. Another way is to run  will  allow  for  more  legroom  and  can  help   Another important consideration is the  that can help you create a truly unique
        painter’s tape on the floor to the dimensions  when  you  need  to  squeeze  in  another  seat  chairs. Unless you’re buying a table with  dining room that fits your style and taste,
        of the table. This helps you visualize the table  or two at the table. It’s also helpful for those  matching chairs, make sure the height of  so experiment with different chair styles for
        in the room. Be sure to add another piece of  in  wheelchairs.  Trestle  tables can  seat more  the chairs is correct, and that the chairs  your dining room table.   n
        tape 6 to 8 inches from the table to use as a  diners  but  often  have  structure  underneath  you purchase are sized appropriately for the
        guide for how the table will be sized in the  that can cause guests to bump their knees or  height of the table. For an updated look,   ©2019 Kathryn Weber.
        room once the chairs are in.         legs. Be sure to try out your table by sitting at  consider buying chairs that are not matched  Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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