Page 7 - Van Wig & Associates, Alamitos Heights ~ February Issue
P. 7


                 “Some of the colors
                  for 2020 are soft,

                 muted and dreamy,

                  with a pastel-like

              MAKE IT A NEW HUE YEAR WITH                                                                                                              DESIGN & DECOR

              PAINT COLORS

        by Kathryn Weber               lightest end of the paint chip. This  as Ripe Olive, a thoughtful deep  rooms with dark furnishings, try
                                       will help you keep your furnishings  khaki green, by Sherwin Williams  adding a light shade to help you see
            f you’re looking for a fresh start  but still make a big change. Some of  that would be perfect in a living  them in a new way. Light-colored
            to the new year that doesn’t  the colors for 2020 are soft, muted  room, dining room or media room  upholstery will pop against an
        Iinvolve diet or exercise, why not  and dreamy, with a pastel-like  (  opulent color, like Pantone’s color
        try on a new color in your home?  quality, like Golden Straw, Heron                          of the year, Classic Blue.
        Changing up paint colors doesn’t  and First Light by Benjamin Moore   BRIGHTEN UP              Give color a shot in unique places
        require you to forgo your decor in  (     Give rooms a pick-me-up with  too. Instead of simply changing
        favor of new items, but a new hue can                         punch of color that has verve. Whether  wall colors, give some attention to
        help you see your current furnishings   BE INTENSE            in curtains over big windows or a deep  unexpected areas, such as doors.
        in a new way. Best of all, you can   If you’re looking for a deeper  lacquered coat on your front door,  Give them a coat of Obsidian Q5 by
        get the change you’re looking for to  feeling, look for bolder colors, like  bold colors such as burnt orange or  Benjamin Moore to make each door
        brighten your outlook and transform  Pantone’s color of the year for 2020,  golden ochre feel trendy and fresh  enticing and helping them standout.
        your space, all without making a big  Classic Blue. It’s a well-balanced  without relinquishing any verve.  Try   For more daring color, swap
        commitments.                   blue  that  will  work  well  in  any  Sherwin-Williams’ Tassel, a golden  ceiling and wall paints by adding a
                                       room, bringing a nautical feeling to  yellow that has a richness that would  dark hue on the ceiling and white on
                  GO FRESH             a coastal home or a rich depth to a  look great as an accent wall behind a  the walls. Go a step further by using
           One of the quickest and most  bedroom or reading nook.     bed, or in a breakfast room where it  a new sectioning technique, bringing
        dramatic transformations on decor   Jewel tones are also finding their  will add a cheery yet grounded feeling. the ceiling color down on the walls a
        shows involves simply changing paint  way into the color wheel in the                        foot. It adds interest and will shake
        colors. This is true here. By taking  year ahead. Deep peacock blues   COLOR SWAPS           up your style for the new year.   n
        dark colors and adding a new, lighter  and emerald greens have returned   To get the most pop out of
        hue, you can easily take a big design  and offer a calming option in their  your new hue, look for ways to add   ©2020 Kathryn Weber
        leap. Look for colors in your current  rich, saturated tones. Look for a  contrast and show off the furniture   Distributed by Tribune Content
        decor, and choose one that is on the  relaxing, yet sophisticated pick such  with the new, light backdrop. In   Agency, LLC.


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          They  took care  of  everything—EVERYTHING.  They  hired a  information  on making a home attractive to perspective  buyers
          painter and a roofer. They had the place staged before the open  and didn’t like doing open houses. We interviewed and signed with
          house and even had the lawn watered. When the house got bids  Cindy & Allison and found them, to be highly energetic and full
          (and it got 6 bids), they helped us understand which bid would  of great ideas. They loved doing open houses many by
          be the best to accept. They even got a higher price on the house  special appointment making it convenient for interested buyers.
          than we expected. They were professional and personable. I felt  They more than went the extra mile, staging our home beautifully,
          that  they listened to  me  and offered good advice in response.  keeping us informed weekly, and always being happy and
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          heartedly recommend these two women to sell your house.”


                                        562-754-8802  |  ALLISON@SUPERBROKER.COM

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