Page 9 - Van Wig & Associates, Alamitos Heights ~ February Issue
P. 9

mexican beaches                                            TRAVEL

        by Christopher Reynolds                                                                                               Tortuguero collects and incubates
                                                                                                                              eggs. Most evenings at sunset
              odos Santos, a small Mexican                                                                                    from early December through late
              town on Baja California’s                                                                                       February, volunteer leader Enedino
        TPacific coast about 50 miles                                                                                         Castillo, his son Dario, and their
        north of Los Cabos, is the destination                                                                                comrades set free hatchling sea
        for people who don’t plan to haul                                                                                     turtles and invite visitors to watch
        in marlin or get rowdy in Cabo San                                                                                    and perhaps contribute to the cause.
        Lucas or San Jose del Cabo. Many                                                                                      Most of the turtles will die young,
        hotels, restaurants and shops have                                                                                    Dario Castillo told me, but the
        opened in recent years, so it’s not as                                                                                hardiest will live decades (nobody is
        quiet as it once was. But it’s calmer                                                                                 sure exactly how long) and grow to
        than Los Cabos and  has plenty of                                                                                     100 pounds. The hatchling releases
        good food, greenery, beach scenery                                                                                    happen at Las Playitas, the beach at
        and more than a few American expats.                                                                                  the foot of Camino Internacional.
        On a three-night stay in October I ate
        well; browsed several art galleries; and                                                                                  THE LESSON LEARNED
        watched hatchling sea turtles creep                                                                                      There’s no substitute for local
        into the sea. I also savored big views   BEACH SCENERY AND A SMALL-TOWN                                               cash. On my last night, I tried dinner
        from Los Colibris Casitas, the hillside                                                                               at Il Giardino atop a hill at the
        lodging  where  I  stayed  two  nights.   VIBE MAKE TODOS SANTOS A CALMING                                            edge of town. My meal (prosciutto
        The tab: about $645 for a round-trip                                                                                  pizza) was tremendous, but neither
        flight from Los Angeles to Los Cabos                                                                                  the menu nor my waitress warned
        and rental car; about $180 for one  MEXICO GETAWAY                                                                    me that Il Giardino accepts no credit
        night at the Todos Santos Inn; $270                                                                                   cards. When the bill came, I was 40
        for two nights at Los Colibris Casitas;                                                                               pesos (about $2) short and had to beg
        and $250 for meals.                                                                                                   the waitress to accept a few dollars.
                                                                                                                              Though  most  tourist-oriented
                  THE BED             you’d rather sleep in the center of  operated  by  popular Baja chef  over got engaged while I sipped my   businesses in and around Todos
           You might bounce a bit on   town (as I did the first night), the  Javier  Plascencia.  My  dinner  there  beer and the palms rustled in the   Santos accept plastic (and some take
        the mile of unpaved  road leading   brick-walled Todos Santos Inn is a  was good, but I was happier at  breeze.       dollars), it’s risky to assume. Next
        to Los Colibris Casitas, but the   pleasant, atmospheric choice.  El Mirador, a towering, oceanfront                  time I’ll ask before ordering and keep
        payoff is spectacular: a verdant                                                                                      more pesos in my pocket.   n
        hillside property with ocean views,                        palapa where my arrachera (skirt        THE FIND
        a handsome pool, attentive hosts, a    THE MEAL            steak) was much zestier than you   Three  species  of  embattled  sea   ©2020 Los Angeles Times
        menagerie of resident cats and dogs,   I tried two of the town’s biggest  might expect from a view-dominated  turtles lay eggs on the area’s beaches.   Distributed by Tribune Content
        and six guest units with kitchens. If  splurges, beginning with Jazamango,  restaurant. The couple two tables  In fall and winter, the charity Grupo   Agency, LLC.


                                        562-754-8802  |  ALLISON@SUPERBROKER.COM

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