Page 43 - Allison's Magazine Issue #97
P. 43

I recruited two other girls, practiced   Home for three years now; and Dan
 tight three-part harmony with them,   Beckmann, who started with Letters
 and taught them how to tap dance.   From Home in the summer of 2018.
 We started in 2010 as a local Andrews
 Sisters tribute. One day, we did a show   There are also several variations of the   “ WE’RE ON THE ROAD A GOOD
 at a VFW in Raleigh, and the national   show. Sentimental Journey, our World   THREE HUNDRED DAYS A YEAR,
 commander was there. Afterward, he   War II show, features lots of numbers   AND WE AVERAGE ABOUT ONE
 invited us to fly down to San Antonio   from artists like Frank Sinatra, the
 to perform at their national convention.   Andrews Sisters, and Glenn Miller.   HUNDRED SHOWS A YEAR.
 That show got our name out all over the   We Gotta Get Out of This Place, our
 country, and we haven’t stopped    Vietnam-era show, features some
 touring since.   amazing songs from Steppenwolf and
        Creedence Clearwater Revival. Love
 What are your shows like now?   to Keep You Warm is an all-around fun
 We do USO-style shows, as opposed   classic Christmas show. Since all our
 to focusing on one specific artist. Most   shows are interactive and we’re always
 of the Letters From Home performances   coming up with new material, no two
 feature myself; Courtney Groves, who’s   are the same and it never gets old
 been performing with Letters From   to perform.

        How many shows do you put on
        each year? Where do you perform?
        How much time goes into it?
        We’re on the road a good three hundred
        days a year, and we average about one
        hundred shows a year. We’ve performed
        on cruise ships for many years. We do
        air shows, including the world’s premier
        air show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. We’ve
        also performed at theaters, VFWs, and
        American Legions. Some of my favorite
        shows, though, are at retirement homes,
        since many veterans are so excited to be
        honored in their home.

        We are constantly preparing for the
        shows. Between time in the car singing
        together, time by ourselves singing,
        and coming up with, learning, and
        tightening the choreography, we
        probably put six to ten hours a day
        into development and rehearsal. I alone
        probably log sixty hours a week. It goes
        back to our nomadic lifestyle—our
        offices are hotels and Starbucks.

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