Page 44 - Allison's Magazine Issue #97
P. 44

© Dan Beckman

                                                                                                                                 toll booth or in our hotel, is thank them   Home is my life, but it’s my dad’s legacy.   War II veteran and his wife, who had
                                                                                                                                 for their service and start singing their   I have a picture of him onstage at every   to have been in their nineties—looked
                                                                                                                                 branch song—they get so excited!    show, and I talk about it being his idea.   at each other. She got a little teary-
                                                                                                                                                                     I feel him with me during the shows. He   eyed and smiled at him, and he smiled
                                                                                                                                 We also have this fun undertaking called   was my best friend and my mentor.  back, reached over, and took her hand.
                                                                                                                                 the American Story Project, where                                       They gazed into each other’s eyes for
                                                                                                                                 we interview veterans after shows and   What are some unforgettable     the duration of the song. Afterward, he
                                                                                                                                 share their stories on YouTube, and we   moments you’ve experienced at   came up to me and said, “I just want
                                                                                                                                 just started a radio podcast called On   the show?                      you to know that that was the song I
                                                                                                                                 Location, where we talk to veterans.   One of my favorite stories comes from   heard when I first saw my wife. Hearing
                                                                                                                                                                     years ago. We were in a VA hospital   it again was so special.”
                                                                                                                                 On a personal level, after my dad passed   in Asheville, North Carolina. After
                                                                                                                                 away in 2015, I started the Pat Dearth   the show, a man stood up out of his   How will people feel after a Letters
                                                                                                                                 Veterans Fund. This pays for our travel   wheelchair to give me a hug. All the   From Home show?
                                                                                                                                 expenses to go to places like VA homes,   nurses rushed over—I thought I did   In our shows, we strive to highlight
                                                                                                                                 hospitals, and veteran fund-raisers across   something wrong! Later, I asked if   positivity and all the good out there; I
           Letters From Home is pretty much    Live Till I Die,” a Frank Sinatra song   all sing together in three-part harmony,   the country—any veteran places that   everything was OK. They said that it   call it “outshining the shadows.” We do
           my life, but I wouldn’t do anything   that is usually one of my solos in the   using our tapping feet to represent the   may not have a budget or where vets   was, but he hadn’t stood up by himself   it through old-fashioned fun: a variety of
           different. I love it with all my heart.  show. Audiences have really responded   marching of the soldiers.            may have limited mobility. 100 percent   in over three years. We went back to   singing, dancing, audience interaction,
                                               well to “Bad Moon Rising,” which                                                  of sales from our CDs, calendars, and   that same place six months later to do   remembrance, laughter, and tears. I
           What are some of your most popular   the three of us perform in an almost   Besides performing, what other            other merchandise goes to these funds.  our Christmas show, and he was walking   hope that people are changed for the
           showstopping numbers?               bluegrass style.                    ways do you help veterans?                                                        down the hall!                      better in their mind-set and in their
           “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” is always a                                   The little things matter. We’ll try to        Was your dad proud of Letters                                           spirit, and that they leave with a little
           popular hit with World War II veterans   Also, “The Ballad of the Green Berets”   call veterans on their birthdays or on   From Home?                     And then there was this super sweet   kick in their step. It’s an experience, not
           and anyone who loves vintage music. It’s   is probably one of our most popular   Veterans Day. One of my favorite things   It was his pride and joy. He loved what   couple. We were singing “I’ll Be Seeing   just a performance.
           fun, upbeat, and has lots of tap dancing.   songs. I choreographed it to be an a   to do on tour when I see a veteran with   we were doing for veterans and used to   You,” and, as soon as the song started,   For more info, visit
           I also enjoy performing “I'm Gonna   cappella dance set to the music that we   a veteran's hat on, even when we're at a   come to a lot of our shows. Letters From   a couple in the front row—a World

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