Page 3 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Edge ~ November & December 2019 Issue
P. 3

trust assets


               s a  parent, you are most  making for your young adult
               likely quite accustomed to  child. Medical professionals have a
         A managing the legal and  responsibility to follow the Privacy
        medical affairs of your children. If  Rule of the Health Insurance
        your child requires urgent medical  Portability and Accountability Act
        attention while away from you, a  (HIPAA), which ensures medical
        simple phone call authorizing care  privacy protection for all adults.
        usually can do the trick. But what   In most states, there are  three
        happens when your “children”  legal documents which can make all
        turn 18 and need of urgent  the difference when a medical crisis
        medical attention far from home?  strikes and your young adult child
           When sending kids off to  is far from home – Medical Power   care and treatment when a child
        college, it is important to consider  of Attorney, HIPAA Authorization   over 18 experiences a medical event                                   SPOTLIGHT
        the legal implications an accident or  and Waiver, and Durable Power of   while they are away at college,
        medical emergency might have on  Attorney. When utilized together,   traveling, or living far from home.
        your ability to stay informed and  they can ensure a parent or trusted   We’re here to help your family
        participate in important decision  adult be kept in the loop about   establish the legal and medical
                                                                      protections you all need to live the
                                                                      lives you desire. In fact, when you
                                                                      schedule and come in for a Family
                                                                      Planning Session, we will create
                                                                      at no-charge the legal documents
                                                                      for your young adult child, as our
                                                                      gift to you.
                                                                         Call our office and mention
                                                                                                      Deanny Lungu-Underwood, Esq.
                                                                      this article to get scheduled.     n
                                                                                                        5320 E. 2nd Street, Suite 6,
                                                                                                          Long Beach, CA 90803
                                                                      This article is a service of          T (562) 533-2022
                                                                      Deanny Lungu-Underwood, 
                                                                      Attorney at Law.         
                              LAKEWOOD MARKET UPDATE

                            MEDIAN LIST PRICE - 90712                                                  REAL-TIME MARKET PROFILE
                                                                                                       NEVER MISS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE LAKEWOOD MARKET

          We continue to see prices in this zip code bounce around this plateau. Look for a persistent down-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices deviate from these levels.

          MARKET SEGMENTS                                 Each segment below represents approximately
                                                          25% of the market ordered by price.
            MEDIAN PRICE   SQ. FT.     LOT SIZE       BEDS    BATH   AGE     NEW     ABSORBED  DOM
          $869,000        2,534    4,500 - 6,500 SQ FT    3     2     61      2          1       50
          $649,900        1,679    4,500 - 6,500 SQ FT    3     0     67      1          2       42
          $614,500        1,356    4,500 - 6,500 SQ FT    3     1     67      4          3        1
          $570,000        1,357    4,500 - 6,500 SQ FT    3     1     68      2          1       28

                            MEDIAN LIST PRICE - 90713                                                  REAL-TIME MARKET PROFILE
                                                                                                       NEVER MISS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE LAKEWOOD MARKET

          We continue to see prices in this zip code bounce around this plateau. Look for a persistent down-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices deviate from these levels.
           MARKET SEGMENTS                                Each segment below represents approximately
                                                          25% of the market ordered by price.
             MEDIAN PRICE   SQ. FT.    LOT SIZE       BEDS    BATH   AGE     NEW     ABSORBED  DOM
           $798,000        1,952    4,500 - 6,500 SQ FT    4    2     66      1          0       33
           $709,900        1,960    4,500 - 6,500 SQ FT    4    2     67      0          1       57
           $653,950        1,681    4,500 - 6,500 SQ FT    3    1     68      2          3       32
           $589,250        1,358    4,500 - 6,500 SQ FT    3    1     65      1          5       57
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8