Page 7 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Edge ~ November & December 2019 Issue
P. 7

in the bedroom

                 “Sheer panels on either
                 side of the solid panels
                next to the bed will give
                 the appearance of two
                 windows on either side
                    of the bed and an
                   illusion of a wall.”

        by Kathryn Weber                                                                                   appearance of two windows                   DESIGN & DECOR

                ost bedrooms have   DECORATING                                                             on either side of the bed and
                                                                                                           an illusion of a wall.
                a solid wall where
        Myou bed can be                                                                                      GO BACK TO BASICS
        placed, but occasionally some                                                                         A tried and true method
        don’t. Feng shui experts                                                                           is also to simply add curtains
        say it’s not a good idea to   FOR A BED UNDER A WINDOW
        place a bed under a window,                                                                        across the entire wall behind
        but sometimes a wall with                                                                          the bed. Solid panels that can
        a window is the only real   such as the hand-carved  with the window is the only  challenges to bed placement.   be drawn open and close will
        choice. The question then                                                                          give both privacy and light.
        becomes about how to     Zaria Wood Screen (www. wall you have for a bed, you  In this case it’s better to forget   Another great option
        decorate around it. There are, or use a  may not want to block the  about the windows and place   is a classic canopy bed.
        some options will help your   decorative panel as a window  light.        the bed as if it were on a solid   Decorative panels hung at
        bed look good—and like you   insert. The intricate design   Instead, install curtain  wall, then dress the windows   the  headboard  of  the  bed
        have a great eye for design.  of the panels and screens feel  panels on either side, and  around the bed. Once the   and carried around to the
                                 more solid than curtains, and  add a headboard that looks  bed is positioned the way you   sides can create an illusion
          CREATE A FAUX WALL     they’ll still allow light in.  solid, but that isn’t taller  like, adding solid curtains   of a wall and makes a terrific
           One option for creating a   Next, hang panel curtains on  than the half-way mark on  panels, such as those that are   option, especially in rooms
        good look for your bed against   either side of the window or  the window. Mounting the  light blocking, will give the   with a bank of windows. The
        a window is to disguise the   bed, to create a faux wall.  curtains near the ceiling also  bed a more solid feeling.
        window and recreate the wall                      gives the illusion of height   Add sheers behind the   canopy will help anchor the
        the way you’d  like for it  to   PLAY UP THE WINDOW  and offsets the headboard  panels on either side of the   bed and keep it from looking
        look. If you have a single   When there’s a bank of  size. A roller blind or shade  bed. Adding a pair of panels   floaty.   n
        window that’s centered on  windows, or you only have  can be installed for privacy  on the corners will finish the
        the wall, or even one on a  one window in the room,  at night.            look. The sheer panels on     ©2019 Kathryn Weber
        corner, this is a quick project. you still have options. Like   Windows that take up  either side of the solid panels   Distributed by Tribune
           Start by adding a screen  the example above, if the wall  the entire wall can also pose  next to the bed will give the   Content Agency, LLC.


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