Page 9 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Edge ~ November & December 2019 Issue
P. 9
british columbia beckons
short, fireworks-filled menu (604) 947-0808, Tuscany Italian Trattoria &
(smoked wild salmon pizza) Pizzeria, 451 Bowen Island Wheelchair accessible with
and a quiet, sophisticated Limited wheelchair Trunk Road, Bowen Island, advance notice.
dining room and patio. accessibility. Canada; (604) 947-0550, Closed BC Ferries, multiple locations,
THE FIND Artisan Eats Cafe, Mondays and Tuesdays. (888) 223-3779,
Though the day was gray, 539 Artisan Lane, Bowen Wheelchair accessible. Check website
owner-guide Brent O’Malley Island, Canada; for details on accessibility. n
of Bowen Island Sea Kayaking (604) 947-0190 Bowen Island Sea Kayaking,
gave my daughter, Grace, Bowen Island Marina ©2019 Los Angeles Times
and me an illuminating Closed Mondays & Tuesdays. Dock, Bowen Island, Distributed by Tribune
three-hour paddling tour of Wheelchair accessible. Canada; (604) 947-9266, Content Agency, LLC.
Snug Cove, Deep Bay and
Scarborough Beach. The
scenery was grand, including
egret and cormorant sightings
and close encounters with
by Christopher Reynolds Resort, a rustic refuge on seals (and pups) and a
Snug Cove about two blocks nonstinging jellyfish.
I f you’re traveling to from the ferry landing. It’s THE LESSON LEARNED
British neighbored by a marina,
Columbia, in warm waterfront and 600-acre
There are several daily
weather, the default move Crippen Regional Park. To departures of the BC Ferries
is a side trip to Vancouver the east, a few steps uphill, are to Bowen Island’s Snug
Island. But there’s a much a dozen shops and restaurants Cove, but be aware that most
closer, sleepier island with along the main drag, Bowen people arrive by car. Ferry
great hiking and kayaking, Island Trunk Road. The staffers were not accustomed
a family-friendly waterfront island, mostly hilly forest, to luggage-dragging
and a pleasant village filled has a year-round population newcomers without a car,
with restaurants, shops and of about 3,700. The resort and they couldn’t point us to
lodgings. That’s Bowen includes a restaurant, shop an elevator or give us much
Island, 14 miles northwest and eight rustic cottages, help coming or going. Until
of downtown Vancouver, a suites and houses. We landed the ferry corrects this, be
20-minute ferry ride from in the Summer House, a prepared to drag your luggage
West Vancouver’s Horseshoe two-story, two-bedroom, up two flights of stairs or
Bay. After a visit to the big two-bath Victorian with a wade through car lanes to get
city, my wife, daughter and generous kitchen and living off the boat.
I spent a weekend in early room. Except for a few hours
July hiking, paddling and of Saturday night noise from INFORMATION:
unwinding on Bowen. The next door at Doc Morgan’s Union Steamship Co. Marina
tab: about $250 per night, Pub & Restaurant, it was just Resort, 431 Bowen Island
including taxes, for a two- what we wanted. Trunk Road, Bowen Island,
story house near the water; Canada; (604) 947-0707,
about $150 for meals; about THE MEAL
$65 each for kayak tours; and We had tasty seafood Several units wheelchair
about $8 each for the ferry. at Doc Morgan’s and a accessible.
pleasant lunch at bustling
THE BED Artisan Eats Cafe. But my Doc Morgan’s, 437 Bowen
We stayed at the Union favorite meal was dinner at Island Trunk Road,
Steamship Co. Marina Tuscany, a trattoria with a Bowen Island, Canada;