Page 1 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Village ~ September 2019 Issue
P. 1


                                                 What Questions Should You Ask & How Their Answers Will Help You Choose Who to Hire?
                                                                                                                            by Jane Whitten
                                                                                                                            by Jane Whitten
                                                        THE RIGHT QUESTIONS TO
                                                       ASK A REAL ESTATE AGENT                                              W         hen looking to hire
                                                                                                                                      someone to represent you
                                                   1.  Are you a full-time or a part-time agent?                            W in a real estate transaction,
                                                                                                                            knowing as much about them as
                                                   2.  What multiple listing service or board are you a member of?          possible can help guide you to choosing
                                                                                                                            the right agent for you.
                                                   3.  How many years have you been actively selling real estate?             Attached is a list of questions that
                                                   4.  Do you work on your own or are you part of a team?                   may give you the information you
                                                                                                                            need. There is no right or wrong
                                                   5.  Would I be working with you directly or working with                 answer to these questions, but the
                                                       members of the team?                                                 answers will give you guidance as to

                                                   6.  May I see your real estate license or … what is the                  who you should hire.
                                                                                                                              Cut this list out and keep accessible
                                                       DRE# or name on your license?                                        so you can be prepared during your
                                                   7.  Are you licensed in Lakewood and Long Beach to market real estate?   interview with an agent; who would be
                                                                                                                            the one to represent you for one of your
                                                   8.  What is your List-to-Price ratio? How close to the list price is the final price?
         ALLISON VAN WIG                           9.  What neighborhood or cities do you primarily work in?                most valuable assets and your home!

                 CA DRE #00985700                  10.  How many homes have you sold in this neighborhood or area?             ADDITIONAL THINGS YOU
         562-882-1581                              11.  What is the price range of most of the homes you have recently sold?   CAN DO TO FIND THE BEST
                                                                                                                                   AGENT FOR YOU
                                                                                                                              There are other ways you can
          WWW.SUPERBROKER.COM                      12.  Do you usually sell homes like mine?                                determine which agent is the best one
          ALLISON@SUPERBROKER.COM                  13.  Do you post listings on all the major listing websites?             for you … Google their name, do they
                                                       Do you have your own website?                                        come up on more pages that just page
                                                                                                                            one? Are they more or less … all over
                                                   14.  Do you have a network of trusted service providers such as house    the Internet?
                                                       cleaners, home repair specialists that can assist me in preparing      If they are a Broker vs a Salesperson
                                                       a property for market?                                               their education level is much different
                                                                                                                            as a Broker is usually more experienced
                                                   15.  If I list with you, when the property goes into escrow,             than  an agent.  A  broker has  also
                                                       who meets with the appraiser?                                        completed a rigorous testing procedure
                                                                                                                            to obtain their license plus must have
                                                   16.  Will you attend the buyer’s home inspection?                        a  minimum  of  two  years’  experience
                                                       Have them explain why that is important.                             before they can even apply.
                                                                                                                              The difference between a Realtor®
                                                   17.  What type of marketing do you do such as color postcards, color flyers etc.  and a Real Estate Agent is a Realtor®
                                                       and do you have samples to show me?                                  belongs  to a  professional  organization

                                                   18.  Are your fees negotiable and how do they work?                      that holds them accountable to a strict
                                                   19.  What sets you apart from other agents?                                 FINDING THE RIGHT AGENT
                                                                                                                                         Continued on Page 3


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                                                          INSIDE THIS ISSUE - SEPTEMBER 2019

         Discover Publications, 6425 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229  MONEY  DESIGN & DECOR   RECIPE OF THE MONTH   SPACE CENTER           PROPERTIES        DP #22410

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