Page 2 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Village ~ September 2019 Issue
P. 2

financial planning
                            YOUR MONEY

                                                               KIDS AND MONEY:

                                           WEDDING SEASON

                                       MEANS IT’S TIME TO

                                    HAVE A MONEY TALK


           VILLAGE              by Steve Rosen                                                                               a way to get a conversation rolling,

         REAL ESTATE EDGE           f  wedding bells are about to                                                            particularly on how to save for these
               Publisher            be chiming, your child and         “Define what each                                       “If  you  listen  to  any  financial
            Allison Van Wig     I future spouse have probably                                                                podcasts or follow financial experts
            CA DRE #00985700    heard by now of the need to have a                                                           on Instagram,” Bosse said. “You
                                heart-to-heart talk about money and    partner wants and                                     could say ‘I heard something
                                managing finances.                                                                           interesting today.’ Explain what it
                                   But here comes the hard part for   values. This should                                    was then ask (your future spouse),
                                many couples. How do you break the                                                           ‘How do you feel about that?’”
                                ice and get the conversation started,                                                          One partner could work on a
                                especially if one partner tends to shift   lead to a conversation                            household budget and show it to
            4435 E Village Rd   the talk to last night’s ballgame or                                                         the significant other and ask for
          Long Beach, CA 90808  disappears and heads for the other                                                           input, Bosse said. Or, create a joint
                                room when money questions start     about what steps are                                     net worth statement  to get all the
           562-882-1581         flying?
  Before the frustration level over                                                         financial information out in the open
                                                                                                                             so it can be shared.
                                       needed to get there.”
                                what’s yours, mine and ours hits                                                               As you are figuring out which
                                the  breaking  point,  there  are  some                                                      accounts you are using to pay for
                                questions  that  can  serve  as  talking                                                     wedding expenses, Bosse said you
                                points to relieve the tension, plus                                                          could naturally drift into some
                                other suggestions on how to handle                                                           questions about the future, such as
                                the money topic.               said.  “These  provide  insights  to   “Define what each partner wants   maintaining separate bank accounts,
                                   Lucas Buci, a financial planner   your future spouse about how you  and values,” Buci said. This should   one joint account, or both.
                                and principal at Aspyre Wealth   see finances and can enhance the  lead to a conversation about what   Finally, if the wedding ceremony is
              6425 Busch Blvd.,    Partners in Overland Park, Kansas,   understanding and empathy needed  steps are needed to get there.  many months off, income tax season
             Columbus, OH 43229                                to handle tough financial situations   As we know, opposites attract,
               877.872.3080     said a good strategy to break the ice                                                        is a good time to broach money topics
     is for couples to share their money   and decisions as a couple.”  partners may have completely   together, said financial planner Sandi
                                history. It’s a less threatening way to   For example, Buci said, share  different money styles. Good   Weaver, a financial planner with
            Sudoku, Scrabble, Crossword                        your biggest money success. What  communication will give a couple a
            and articles distributed by    get the conversation going, he said.                                              Weaver Financial in Mission, Kansas.
            Tribune News Services and   “Talk about money memories,  decisions did you make to achieve  better understanding of each one’s   “Virtually everything ends up in the
             Brandpoint where noted.   what finances were like in your  this success? Talk about your goals:  viewpoint.
             © Copyright 2019 by                                                                                             tax documents,” Weaver said.   n
            Discover Publications, Inc.  childhood household, and what  Where do you want to be financially   Financial planner Jamie Bosse,
              All rights reserved.  lessons and values around money  in three years, seven years and more?  also of Aspyre, suggests couples talk   ©2019 Distributed by Tribune
                                came from your parents,” Buci  Why is it important to you?    about what’s on their bucket lists as      Content Agency, LLC
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