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                ina Labok a local practitioner  in  Chinese  Medical  Practice  that  dates  back  imbalances in the body and stimulate the
                in the Lakewood Village area of  more than 3000 years. TCM’s is widely used   body’s  hormones  and  neurotransmitters  to
        T Long Beach offers help during the  as more people realize advantages.            bring the body back into balance, boosting
        difficult times we are all experiencing during   According to TCM, the immune system is
        this Covid-19 Pandemic crisis.            affected by the imbalance of Yin and Yang and   immunity and promoting good health.
                                                  the blockage of Qi.                        Scientific research shows that regular
            ACUPUNCTURE AND IMMUNITY:               Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have  monthly  Acupuncture  sessions  support  and
           Traditional Chinese Medicine has its origin  a great success helping to balance and regulate   strengthen immunity allowing it to react
                                                                                           swiftly to evil Qi invading the body.

                                                                                             Keep your immunity strong with
                                                                                           Acupuncture and herbal medicine. “Listen to                 SPOTLIGHT
                                                                                           your body when it whispers so you don’t have
                                                                                           to hear it scream.”

                                                                                                    To schedule an appointment:
                                                                                            Text or call Tina at 714-875-5790:

                                                                                                                         Tina Labok

                              LAKEWOOD MARKET UPDATE

                            MEDIAN LIST PRICE - 90712                                                  REAL-TIME MARKET PROFILE
                                                                                                       NEVER MISS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE LAKEWOOD MARKET

          We continue to see prices in this zip code bounce around this plateau. Look for a persistent down-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices deviate from these levels.

          MARKET SEGMENTS                                 Each segment below represents approximately
                                                          25% of the market ordered by price.
            MEDIAN PRICE   SQ. FT.     LOT SIZE       BEDS    BATH   AGE     NEW     ABSORBED  DOM
          $1,350,000      3,525    8,000 - 10,000 SQFT   4      4     59      1          0        9
          $747,000        1,809    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT   3       2     63      1          1       40
          $640,000        1,417    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT   3       2     66      1          2       17
          $597,500        1,165    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT   3       1     67      2          1        3

                            MEDIAN LIST PRICE - 90713                                                  REAL-TIME MARKET PROFILE
                                                                                                       NEVER MISS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE LAKEWOOD MARKET

          We continue to see prices in this zip code bounce around this plateau. Look for a persistent down-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices deviate from these levels.
           MARKET SEGMENTS                                Each segment below represents approximately
                                                          25% of the market ordered by price.
             MEDIAN PRICE   SQ. FT.    LOT SIZE       BEDS    BATH   AGE     NEW     ABSORBED  DOM
           $762,450        2,060   4,500 - 6,500 SQFT   3       2     69      2          0       33
           $699,000        1,608   4,500 - 6,500 SQFT   3       2     70      1          0       57
           $639,999        1,192   4,500 - 6,500 SQFT   3       2     65      1          1       25
           $619,000        1,122   4,500 - 6,500 SQFT   2       1     70      3          1       56
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8