Page 4 - August 2019 Lakewood Edge
P. 4

Q & A with the real estate expert
                            ASK ALLISON VAN WIG

                                 What’s Your Home Worth?

                                Q my home  A                   Dear Jake: Putting a  Comparative Market Analysis.  that a  CMA  is not a  task  to  help  you  get  the  most
                                        Dear Allison,  I’ve
                                                                price tag on a home  A
                                        decided  to  sell
                                                                                                   Market you can complete through a  bang for your buck and get
                                                                                  Analysis (CMA) gives you,  DIY Google search; It must  you on  your  way towards
                                                                 you’re trying to sell
                                        upgrade outside  is a tricky thing. For starters,  the homeowner, information  be completed by a licensed real  your upgrade.   n
                                 of my metro-area. The  this property is your home— about houses similar to yours.  estate professional.
                                 thought of listing makes  the place where you’ve spent  Such similarities can include   Once the analysis of your
                                 me ask the question—what  the bulk of your time, made  size, amenities and location.  home is complete, you’ll have
                                 is my home worth? Over  memories and put your  It  compares your  home  to  a good idea of what the best
                                 the past few years I’ve  style into. No, not only  is  those that are currently on  price  for  your  home  will  be.
                                 upgraded the appliances,  it a large transaction, it’s  the market, have sold, or were  You’ll then be ready for a final
                                 re-modeled various rooms  personal. Pricing too low can  listed and expired within a  appraisal and to get your home
                                 and landscaped, so I believe  leave you with a pit in your  reasonably recent time period,  registered on your area’s MLS.
                                 my home is worth much  stomach and possibly a loss,  so that when your home goes   Remember  that  no
                                 more today than it was  while pricing too high can  on the market, it is listed at the   matter how priceless your
                                 when I originally purchased  result  in  languishing  on  the  best possible price to sell. This  kitchen remodel, re-finished
                                 it. But, I’m not sure how  market.               analysis is one of the most  basement or how welcoming
                                 to determine what the new   The best thing to do is sit  important steps you will need  the landscape, your area’s
                                 value is based on those  down one-on-one with one  to complete as a seller. It’s ideal  market  makes or breaks  the
                                 updates, the property itself  of our real estate professionals  to  have  your  Comparative  value  of  each  home  and   Allison Van Wig
                                 and the current real estate  and begin the valuation  Market Analysis look back no  determines the price that a   (CA DRE #00985700) is the
                                 market. What are the first  process based on your home,  more than three months when  buyer is willing to pay.   Owner of Van Wig & Associates
                                 steps to take in determining  the neighborhood and the  the market is in transition,   If you’re ready to learn   you can call or email her at:
                                 the new value of my house?  health of your area’s market.  and no more than six months  more and get started, give   562-882-1581 or
                                                    Jake.  The next step is to complete a  when it is stable. Remember  my  team  a  call,  we’re  ready

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