Page 5 - August 2019 Lakewood Edge
P. 5

digital tidying l

                     “… there are
                   plenty of things

                  you can digitally

                 declutter, and once
              you get started, you’ll

                   be amazed …”                                                                                                                        TECH TALK

        6 SMART WAYS TO


               here’s an aspect of tidying up that  contain images or videos. There’s no need   How  it works: Switching to Walmart  back. You can also group similar apps into
               most of us may be forgetting: our  to keep unimportant ones around. As you  Family Mobile is quick and easy. With no  folders to further clear up your screen.
        T digital clutter. Women’s lifestyle  go through your messages, save only the  contract and no activation fees (awesome!),
        outlet  How Does She partnered with  vital conversations you’d need to keep as  you simply pick a phone  (or bring your   CLEAN UP YOUR DESKTOP
        Walmart  Family  Mobile  to  share  some  a record or for reference, otherwise, send  own), pick a plan, activate and go. It’s   Finally, find a quick 15 minutes to
        excellent technology tidying tips (say that  them to the trash! For the messages with  that simple. You can either head into  clean up your computer’s desktop. Having
        five times fast!). From Christmas pictures  images and videos, use the advice in the  your local Walmart store or check out  rogue folders labeled “miscellaneous” and
        that are still taking up memory on your  first tip to stay organized and limit storage    random icons cluttering up your screen
        phone, to hundreds of old texts that are  use. Take five minutes right now (that’s all                         can make it difficult to find what you
        eating  up  your gigabytes,  to  needless  you need!) and pare down your texts.   TIDY UP YOUR EMAIL           actually need at a moment’s notice. Once
        folders that make your computer desktop                                     The depths of some email accounts  you sort through everything, you’ll free up
        messier than a 10-year-old’s room, there    GET YOUR FAMILY ON            can be a dark and scary place. Email is a  space and have a great new system in place
        are plenty of things you can digitally        ONE MOBILE PLAN             primary means of communication in the  to find files with ease.
        declutter, and once you get started, you’ll   With all the running around your family  world today and there’s nothing worse   So this season, when you’re gearing up
        be amazed at how zen you’ll feel.    does, it’s hard enough to keep schedules  than not being able to find an important  to spring clean your home, don’t forget
                                             straight, let alone keep up with different  message when you need it. Tidy up your  to digitally declutter too! To find out
             ORGANIZE YOUR PHOTOS            mobile plans. Make it easy on yourself  inbox by taking some time to delete  more about Walmart Family Mobile’s
          Photos are notorious for taking up a  by getting the whole family on the same  all junk and trash messages, and then  unlimited plans and multi-line discounts,
        ton of space, and can add up quickly if  affordable plan. Did you know Walmart  organize further by adding folders where  visit or your local
        you don’t regularly back them up. To get  Family Mobile has a multi-line family plan?  you can store like-minded emails. Work  Walmart.
        started, find a free cloud-based service  You can get two Truly Unlimited lines with  emails  go  in  one  folder,  PTA  emails  in   If congested, customers may notice
        to  help organize  your  pictures. As  you  unlimited talk, text and high-speed data for  another, and so on and so forth.  reduced speeds vs T-Mobile customers
        upload,  make sure  to select  “delete after  less than $75 per month.  (Video typically                       that may be further reduced for small
        uploading”  to kill  two  birds with  one  streams at DVD quality.) And you can add   DELETE UNUSED APPS       numbers of customers who use >40GB.
        stone and save a little time. No matter  more lines to suit your family’s needs at a   Apps not only take up your device’s
        the method you chose, take the time  great bargain! Not only is this an amazing  memory,  but can  make  for a  cluttered    † To get 4G LTE speed, you must have a
        to protect your photos and get them in  deal, but with Walmart Family Mobile you  screen too. If you find yourself consistently  4G LTE capable device and 4G LTE SIM.
        order.  You  can  even  go  one  step  further  also get non-stop nationwide coverage on  scrolling left and right trying to locate an  Actual availability, coverage and speed may
        and make it a monthly routine to make  one of the nation’s largest, most reliable 4G  app, that may be a sign that you have too  vary. During periods of congestion, Walmart
        your storage easier to maintain!     LTE† networks. It’s great for busy families  many, or just need a little organization.  Family Mobile customers may notice reduced
                                             who are always on the go. You’ll be able  Pare down your apps by deleting the  speeds  versus  carrier  branded  customers.
                 DELETE OLD TEXTS            to keep in touch with your kids when they  ones that you never use. Then move the  LTE is a trademark of ETSI.    n
          Text conversations can pile up fast and  have practices, extra-curricular activities,  ones you use most frequently to the first
        take up valuable storage, especially if they  are out with friends, and more.  screen, leaving lesser-used apps toward the         ©2019 Brandpoint.
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