Page 14 - ISC Dubai SLO Yearbook 2022-2023
P. 14

As the co-heads  of the Academic                                                                                     The Activities Department is
                                             Department,  we have had the                                                                                         responsible for the fun aspect of the
                                             privilege of working with a team of                                                                                  SLO;  we aim to boost students’
                                             dedicated students, from all levels,                                                                                 morale and motivate students to
                                             to ensure that all students receive                                                                                  become more involved in the SLO
                                             the best possible education. It has                                                                                  and the school community. It can
                                             been a challenging but rewarding                                                                                     range from extracurricular activities
                                             experience, and  we are proud  of                                                                                    that  take  place  after  school  to
                                             what    we    have   accomplished                                                                                    activities  that  take  place  during
                                             together.  After  both  being  in  this                                                                              school hours on a daily basis. The
                                             school for so long, we will also miss                                                                                Activities Department exists to
                                             seeing  our fellow student leaders                                                                                   assist students in pursuing, sharing,
                                             from    the   other   departments.                                                                                   and teaching  various hobbies and
                                             However, as graduating seniors, it is                                                                                interests, allowing all students to
                                             time for us to move  on to new                                                                                       develop and implement a talent,
                                             endeavors. While we will miss being                                                                                  whether academically or physically.
                                             a part  of this  organization,  we are
                                             both excited for  what the future
                                             holds.  We  are  confident  that  the
                                             academic department will continue
                                             to thrive under the leadership of the
                                             rest of the team for years to come.

                                                                                                                                                                   LEEN KIWAN

                                                                              PRATYUSH BHATTACHARYA
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