Page 18 - ISC Dubai SLO Yearbook 2022-2023
P. 18

Management is one of the most vital roles in the SLO, we act as the central Processing unit of SLO by                  As the co-heads of the Outreach Department in the Student Life Organization, we are grateful for the
        streamlining efficient communication, coordinating schedules, and managing and maintaining the school                    opportunities that our school has given us to serve our community. It has been a privilege to work alongside
        premises. It prepares students for leadership roles in human resource, operations, and general management,             our fellow dedicated department members to make a difference in the lives of others. As we reflect on our
        enabling them to acquire the skills and competencies needed to succeed in a variety of organizations and               high school journey, we’ve realize how much this school has meant to us. Most of our school years were spent
        industries.                                                                                                            here, and it is hard to imagine not being a part of this community anymore. We will always treasure the
                                                                                                                               experiences we had with our fellow co-heads. Our conversations, brainstorming sessions, and laughs from the
        Running the Management Department has not always been easy, but success does not come without hard                     last  year  will  be  missed.  Despite  the  challenges  that  we  sometimes  faced  in  what  we  did,  the  sense of
        work. Over the years learning how to communicate effectively and delegate work has allowed us to develop                fulfillment and meaning it brought to us and our team was priceless. Let's keep in mind the things we've
        our leadership skills. The experience of working with the SLO has been incredible for us and has taught us             learnt and the impact that we've had on the community as we leave this school and go onto the next chapter
        many valuable life skills. Making sure that all departments are running smoothly at all times, and that they           of our lives.
        are not experiencing any operational problems is a very crucial aspect for the Management Department.
        Being consistent and dedicated and providing students with SLO points is one of the most important aspects
        of our job, as it allows us to reward students for their hard work by providing them with SLO points which
        is later reflected on their report cards and recognized by the SLO team. The annual ISC Dubai yearbook is
        another thing that everyone looks forward to, as yearbooks help us reminisce over these special years of our
        lives;t our classmates, school events, athletic achievements, and the trends of the time. Yearbooks are an
        excellent  way  for  students  and  faculty  to  come  together  and  share  experiences,  which  is  why  the
        Management team puts in the effort to make it remarkable and unforgettable.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GHADI SEMAAN
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