Page 20 - ISC Dubai SLO Yearbook 2022-2023
P. 20

Being a part of the Social Responsibility Department has made a lasting and profound impact on me. It has              Growing up in Choueifat, sports played a central role in building our friendships and creating cherished
        allowed me to make a small yet meaningful changes by creating a positive impact on both the environment                memories, which inspired us to work with the Sports Department.  Our dream has always been to create an
        and the people living in it, and my participation has inspired me to learn more about and contribute to                environment where students eagerly anticipate their time in school because they have the opportunity to
        protecting our planet. It has also given me the opportunity to get involved in helping out through various             play the sports they love, just as we did. At the Department of Sports and Health, we believe that every
        projects and activities, which has been such a rewarding experience. I am so grateful to have been part of             student has the right to participate in the sport of their choosing, and we ensure that there are enough
        such an integral part of the school community and I would like to thank everyone that has been a part of this          competitions held in every sport and for every grade.  Our students have incredible potential in many
        impactful journey.                                                                                                     different sports, and we provide them with opportunities to showcase their skills through tournaments, pep
                                                                                                                               rallies, matches against teachers, and other events that our team works tirelessly to plan. In particular, at ISC
                                                                                                                               Dubai, most students have a passion for sports, and our mission is to encourage them to pursue what they
                                                                                                                               love, which helps them build lasting friendships and make special memories. The Sports Department is one
                                                                                                                               of the key departments at SLO, dedicated to fostering an active and healthy environment for students. As
                                                                                                                               they learn different sports, it provides an excellent opportunity for them to collaborate outside the confines
                                                                                                                               of the classroom. Playing sports not only enhances their physical health but also stimulates their critical
                                                                                                                               thinking skills, as they must think creatively to come out on top. It encourages students to remain active
                                                                                                                               while also teaching them what it means to be part of a team. Our aim is to inspire students to lead healthy
                                                                                                                               lives and cherish their well-being. We strive to make a difference by instilling the value of sports in the lives
                                                                                                                               of students and making each event enjoyable by emphasizing teamwork over winning or losing. As students
                                                                                                                               participate in various sporting events together, they learn to push themselves beyond their limits and forge
                                                                                                                               strong bonds with each other, which establishes a solid foundation for a healthy balance between their
                                                                                                                               academic and personal lives.
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