Page 110 - ISC Dubai Yearbook 2019 - 2020
P. 110
Barbod Mazloumian
A big thank you to my family, friends, and teachers. Best of luck to all the graduates of the
Class of 2020
Beatriz Franklin
Major/Goal: Medicine/ gynecology and obstetrics
These past four years have been a whirlwind of difficulties, hardships and happy memories.
These experiences taught me a lot about myself and led to an immense amount of personal
growth. It was most definitely not easy but with the support of my devoted mother and loving
sisters, and obviously my amazing friends- I made it. We made it. We have built iconic
memories together and I will cherish each and every single one of them and I hope you do
too. Can’t wait to see you babies at the reunionnnnn.
P.S Maybe you guys can hire me to be your personal surgeon :)