Page 13 - ISC Dubai Yearbook 2019 - 2020
P. 13

Perhaps the best part of our job was
        Quality Control                                       our regular involvement  with our friends in
                                                              the  SLO’s  workplace.  Countless weekends
                                                              were spent helping others  complete their
                                                              department’s work, while we would stay after
                                                              school hours multiple  days of  the week  to
        The Quality Control team works on assuring            ensure that everything was running smoothly.
        the  SLO’s tasks are  achieved and  mistakes                     The Quality Control team also contributed
        are avoided.This  year, it has made great             to  mediating  conditions for  several  events
        strides including but not limited to appointing       that  were introduced to the  school for  the
        a second co-head and improving the lines of           first time and to ensure they were beneficial
        communication  between the SLO and the                and school friendly.
        student body. This allowed the SLO to be run                 Although our year was cut short by this
        more efficiently by the students and for more         pandemic, the both of us  have thoroughly
        events  to  be  planned, co-ordinated, and            enjoyed our positions in the SLO.  Whether
        conducted throughout the  year. As Federal            it  was during the  countless department
        heads, we conducted several meetings with             meetings or the amusing activities,  we
        other  Quality  Control  heads to  assure  the        enjoyed every moment of our time at the SLO        R
        high standard  of the SLO is  maintained              and will definitely miss the position of Quality
        throughout different grades,  additionally            Control.
        assuring secondary grades were working and
        contributing to the SLO.

                           Nur Edin Khmaydan                               aamir shaikh
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