Page 166 - ISC Dubai Yearbook 2019 - 2020
P. 166
Rachel Sayegh
Major/Goal: Medicine
The day we’ve been longing for has come, but now that it has it just hit me. It’s crazy how
something that has been a constant factor in my life for 14 years is just over, and being replaced
by a whole new experience. People that you spent your whole childhood with are all suddenly
studying all over world, each with their own individual journey. I hope that one day the connection
with my friends rekindles and we can all meet up again and hide in the bathroom from Mr.
Qassam one more time. Thank you to my family for always supporting me and thank you to my
friends for loving me. Love you guys <3<3<3
Rahul Koshy
Major/Goal: Aerospace Engineer
From the young years of KG 1 till the last seconds of Senior year, I felt every passing emotion
that any human can experience in their adult life. No longer will I be able to joke around with my
out-of-the-world quotes, laugh with my friends, hear my teachers say their rants or deep convos,
and sit in the ITL hall.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s the end. Graduating from this school is just the next step into my
life and I plan to make every step of the way matter. To my friends who became my second family,
to my fellow classmates who I’ve grown up with for the past 12 years, to my teachers who helped
me to achieve my goals, and to my parents who were with me every step of the way: I sincerely
thank you. Till our next reunion, Seniors 2020.