Page 31 - ISC Dubai Yearbook 2019 - 2020
P. 31
t is never too early to revel in the joy of hard
Iwork – a fact that giddy KG2 students learned
this week, as they took to creating their own
best friends. Although the method was long and
unfamiliar, the children persevered, and were
rewarded with their own lifelong companions.
This week, the staff at Build-A-Bear were
greeted by loud cheers. Along with them came
enormous bags stuffed with cotton, unfinished
boxes, and a curious machine admired by every No student was disappointed. The hall, once
child who gazed at it. Together, these materials upon a time spotless, was now laden with
could be molded into magnificent stuffed toys – misplaced cotton and scuff marks – a calling
and their soon-to-be owners could hardly wait. card left by one too many excited kids. Their
After a quick session of what the workshop creativity was noted and commemorated by both
dubbed ‘Bearobics,’ the children enjoyed a the teachers and the new owners, who wasted
session of dancing and singing in large, energetic no time before playing with their newfound
groups; finally arriving at the highlight of the day companions and even staging plays with their
– creating their own teddy bears. classmates. One of the bolder students even
improvised a swordfight, grinning as her friends
The process was meticulous but exciting – and giggled. Others meandered between teachers
stuffing their bears was only the beginning. Each and proud parents, shrieking with joy as
newly completed teddy was awarded a name classmates chased them with outstretched arms.
chosen by its owner, and given a birth certificate to
mark the occasion. Hundreds of boxes, detailed No celebration was too outlandish, no laughter
with gorgeous sketches of the fuzzy creatures, too loud. Although every child received the
were folded into temporary homes, and admired same caramel-colored buddy, there was a clear
by those who could hold their finished product. distinction between each and every one – a
Finally, no bear was complete without its very difference in names, in wishes, in the way of
own heart, where whispered wishes resided and loving that would mark these bears as special for
the children pledged their everlasting friendship. years to come.