Page 27 - In The Year 2021 - 22-11-20
P. 27


        20/04/20. FFS we are now getting into Yes Minister territory ....Updates to the Nation on the critical issue of
        PPE  supplies  are  now  being  given  by  the  Secretary  for  Education  and  the  Secretary  for  Media  and
        Sport.....sorry  don't  know  their  names  as  they  are  complete  nonentities.......are  Hanncock,  Gove  and  The
        Invisible  PM  now  all  out  of  lies  and  too  embarrassed  to  update  the  Nation  in  a  time  of  crisis?  Strong
        Leadership? MY ARSE. Even fuckin Baldrick would have had a cunning plan.

        21/04/20. Can I publicly apologize to Tommy Lee please? The sex tape of St Pamela of Baycrotch blowing
        Tommy was soul destroying.....I watched over and over again with the song "It should have been me" playing
        in the background......but I didn't appreciate what a well educated, intelligent and eloquent gentleman he was.

        His opening of a letter to Trump “Dear f****** luantic,” it starts. “At your recent press conference - more a
        word salad that had a stroke and fell down the stairs, you were CLEARLY so out of your depth you needed
        scuba gear" was pure genius and surpasses the description of Branson as " a wankstain on the bed sheets of

        Maybe I could plagiarize both and address Johnson, Gove, Raab and Hancock “Dear f****** luantics” At your
        recent press conference - more a word salad that had a stroke and fell down the stairs, you were CLEARLY so
        out of your depth you needed scuba gear and I consider you all as wankstains on the bed sheets of humanity"

        Luv n Peace and Stay Safe.......most of you.....there are exceptions.

        21/04/20. I'm not complaining about not seeing Johnson's moronic puss on TV lying to us but he is the elected
        leader of the UK government and should be the spokesman for it not the Secretary to the Secretary of the
        Department of Pish and Shite's understudy.

        A government spokesman, Lord Lucan said "Sorry old chap I've not seen the cunt either......although that could
        be because he was shagging my wife...."

        22/04/20. Is there any end to the farcical but fatal mistakes this Government is responsible for? The testing
        situation is unbelievable. We are now being told NHS workers that had been tested may have been given the
        wrong results. Let that sink in....some testing Positive were sent home to self isolate reducing front line further
        but may not have been positive ....but worse some may have been incorrectly diagnosed negative and were
        sent back to treat vulnerable patients putting them all at risk of infection and death. FFS

        22/04/20. Where the fuck is the Invisible PM?.....I think he's Potted Heed...Aye deed... deed as a BoJo...he was
        obviously seriously ill so the Tolies created a hologram of him to raise spirits on Easter he's
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