Page 46 - In The Year 2021 - 22-11-20
P. 46
03/08/20. Toly Coronavirus helpline recording "Hi my name is Diane Abbott MP......should I wear a mask when
on line shopping? ....."of course you should Ms Abbott....for two's a well known fact that the
deadly coronavirus is spread directly through the 5G -network in Wuhan.....the second reason is that you are a
stupid cunt"
3/08/20. I will never understand the mentality of people who vote conservative. Who would vote for this? So
many ‘Lords’ of this country live overseas. We have the largest unelected chamber outside communist China.
Why do people vote for parties who sustain that, then complain about money being wasted on food vouchers
for poor kids?
Our 650+ members of the House of Lords get over £300 each day - just to sign in! They don’t even have to stay
beyond signing in for the day. And they couldn’t all stay even if they wanted to, cause less than 400 of them
can fit in the Lords chamber. If that’s not a sign that it’s no longer fit for purpose, I don’t know what is.
6/08/20. Sat down for a beer in the sunshine. Next table . ...attractive single lady. Eye contact and smiles
exchanged....our seats duly moved slightly closer and polite conversation ensued. Body language and
conversation was heading towards the start of a beautiful relationship..... or at least a fun afternoon. Then I
realised lockdown has not changed one ability to find the only drunk mentally unstable female in
the pub. Could have been worse... fun afternoon.... then Nicola announces a 14 day lockdown at 6 pm
04/08/20. WTF just exploded in Lebanon?