Page 181 - Lockdown Diary
P. 181

Scott Chuckle                           Scott Chuckle
          You did...years ago! Coulnae organise a piss
          up in a brewery, you and corporal Clot!  09:48

               Tommy Tank
               you're right....especially for a whinging
               bunch of fuckin cunts.....villa in Spain., Zoom
               quiz, trip to Ruthiemuchus, a fuckin
     's like trying to organise a day out
               for a dyslexic bunch of mentally and
               physically challenged foetus's

               Dode the Sodge
               Wow , it was great seeing you all .  10:07

               Tommy Tank
               Corporal Pike King ready to go over the top
               SIR....                   10:10

                     +44 7878 103720 LEFT

               Tommy Tank
               and that just the ones I like........  13:01

                       JULY 15, 2020


                                                               JULY 16, 2020

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