Page 185 - Lockdown Diary
P. 185

Scott Chuckle                                Dode the Sodge
          Read the fucking message  18:05

          Keith Bawbag
          I’m in, I’ll call Stephano later in the week 18:05

               Tommy Tank
               Ah Scott that is so booked it on my
               birthday...I'm touched. I've never been so                       14:07
               touched since Jimmy Saville was at my 8th
               Birthday                  18:05
                                                  Scott Chuckle
               Dode the Sodge
               I can’t see any messages from last week ya
               dick                      18:05

          Winton Chuckle

               Dode the Sodge
               Thank you                                                   15:20
               I’m in if Keith has room for me in the Hoose
                                                               JULY 22, 2020
          Keith Bawbag
                                                  Keith Bawbag
          Always pal                18:13
                                                  Rigatoni’s booked for Saturday 8th. That ok?
               Tommy Tank
               George I can make up my spare room? Used  Dode the Sodge
               to work a treat getting the burds back to the
               hoose.....then when they asked where the  Okay ball bag okay ball bag  18:03
               spare room was.......I said there isn't one.....I
               made it up....            18:13
                                                  Scott Chuckle
                                                    1.00                   18:05
               Dode the Sodge
               Ha ha ha ha Tom your a legend  18:13
                                                       Tommy Tank
               Cheers keith              18:14         remember guys although it's my birthday no
                                                       presents please........just cash in an envelope
                                                       is fine.....or London Street Sauna vouchers.
          Robbie the Pict                                                       18:09
          Sounds good Scott         18:15
                                                  Scott Chuckle
                                                  George is willing to give you a BJ.
                       JULY 21, 2020                                       18:10

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