Page 190 - Lockdown Diary
P. 190

Keith Bawbag                            Scott Chuckle
       Glad he’s getting better Tom, that’s the mane  We are hoping to go to the market at the
       thing                     10:55         Grange. Could meet up there
                                               Dont know arrangements yet. Ps. Fuck off
                                               George your no invited!!  11:10
            Tommy Tank
                                      10:55         Tommy Tank
                                                    Yeah great let me know. Or beers at Raeburn
       Winton Chuckle                               garden?                  11:12
       Time for the knackers yard for all these horse
       jokes                     10:55         Scott Chuckle

       Keith Bawbag
       You started it Winton and now you’re saying
       they’re off!               10:57              Tommy Tank
                                                    are you guys coming to the market?  14:21

       Winton Chuckle
                                               Scott Chuckle
                                               Meeting Winton 3.00 and walking over  14:21
       Scott Chuckle
                                                    Tommy Tank
       No need to take offence!   10:58
                                                    I'll go and check out the Raeburn for tables
                                                    as well.                 14:23
       Winton Chuckle
       Just sitting in my chair.  10:58        Scott Chuckle

            Tommy Tank
            I'm going to buy a couple racehorses.........I'll  Table for 5  14:34
            call one "a horse" and one "another horse"
            and one "a cow" ......just so I can listen to the
            commentator....."and A Horse is in the  Tommy Tank
            lead.....and Another Horse is second.......but  seriously table for 5?
            A Cow is coming up fast on the inside...."  11:04                14:39

                                               Scott Chuckle
       Scott Chuckle
                                               Well 3men and two dogs?
       Rein it in!               11:05                                  14:39
                                                    Tommy Tank
            Tommy Tank
            Hay (get it?) any you cowboys want to saddle  that's no way to talk about Mary and Gail
            up and trot up for a couple beers....ust chap                    14:40
            on my door.......         11:09
                                               Scott Chuckle
                                               It is them               14:40

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