Page 195 - Lockdown Diary
P. 195

Scott Chuckle                                Eric the Hun
          Soda                      08:20              Specky, you are fucking claimed .I am on my
                                                       way up .Get your glasses aff !!!!  14:18
               Dode the Sodge
               The fridge                08:20         Dode the Sodge
                                                       Eric please video it , need cheered up  14:57
          Scott Chuckle
          That is what I meant to say!  08:21
                                                  Scott Chuckle
               Tommy Tank                         I am waiting stripped to the waist. Warning. I
               Nah....her legs....."a pregnant woman....."  used the be a cage fighter until I killed a
                                         09:15    chicken!! And you can fuck off as well ya
                                                  ginger prick!            15:08
          Keith Bawbag
          So for Rigatoni’s next week it’s me, Robs,   Eric the Hun
          Dode, Winton, Scott ,Billy and Thomas. Is    G,Will I wait at the gate and the pair of us will
          that correct, Eric canny go as he’s in       batter the wee cunt together or separately.?
          Newcastle?                13:17                                       15:11

          Scott Chuckle                           Scott Chuckle
          Eric is a prick. I would banish him forever!!                    15:12
          What about Alistair?      13:19              Dode the Sodge
                                                       Can I kick the cunt really hard please ( a
                                                       couple of times would be suffice? 6 or maybe
          Keith Bawbag                                 7 times )                15:16
          You can tell him. Remember he’s from
          Ayrshire                  13:19         Scott Chuckle
                                                  When did 6 or 7 become a couple..did you go
          Al’s playing in a competition, maybe meet us
          for a pint                13:20         to Tony's                15:18
                                                       Tommy Tank
               Tommy Tank
                                                       Get in the fuckin queue you two
               Only two ginger cunts allowed   13:20                            15:18

          Scott Chuckle                                       AUGUST 1, 2020
          Aye and one cunty cunt!   13:21
                                                       Dode the Sodge
          Winton Chuckle                               Guys !!!!!!
                                                       Guys !!!!!
                                    14:16              Guys !!!!!
                                                       Guys !!!!!!
                                                       What times the Hertz game on ?????  11:40

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