Page 201 - Lockdown Diary
P. 201

Liberton                 09:37
               Eric the Hun
               As you well know from the quiz night Scott,
               its a constant pressure being right all the  Keith Bawbag
               time .                    09:14    I fuckin told you!       09:38

               Billy the Bhuddha                       Dode the Sodge
               Mmm golfer and course, is it Fuckin, eehh
               fuckin, that cunt what’s his bastard, fuckin  Who                09:38
               name, aye Tiger fuckin Woods. Is that course
               enough.                   09:14    Keith Bawbag
                                                  Read back                09:39
          Scott Chuckle
          Is it Shirley Bassey?     09:14              Dode the Sodge

                                                       Agh fuck I just phone Robbs as well ha ha ha
          Robbie the Pict                              ha ha I knew that lol
                                                       Sorry Robbs don’t need to wait till Saturday
          Shirley you can’t be serious?  09:15         lol                      09:40

               Dode the Sodge
                                                       Tommy Tank
               Scott take that dildo out your ass it’s making
               your eyes go all funny    09:16         what made you think it was Edinburgh Sodge
                                                       Dode The Spotter? There's loads of city's in
                                                       Scotland with an extinct volcano in the
                                                       background....           09:42
               Tommy Tank
               typical Scott ....cant tell the difference
               between a slim young male and a buxom   Dode the Sodge
               Welsh Rarebit...... explains a lot.....  09:18  You would know ya fuckin fossil  09:43

          Winton Chuckle
                                                  Scott Chuckle
          Great piece of info Keith.   09:20      I think you will find that volcanic rock does
                                                  not create fossils. It is sedimentary rock
                                                  Next!                    09:50
          Keith Bawbag
          Came from Robs            09:21
                                                       Dode the Sodge
                                                       I was not talking about the volcano !!!!!!!!!!!
               Tommy Tank                              I was talking about that auld cunt  09:50
               What that his son is a big disappointment as
               a golfer?                 09:24
                                                  Scott Chuckle
                                                  Sorry George. He is a fossilised shite.
          Robbie the Pict
          Haha                      09:27

               Dode the Sodge
               Rory ???
               Edinburgh????             09:36

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