Page 203 - Lockdown Diary
P. 203

Dode the Sodge                         Tommy Tank
                                                       on second thoughts have a Great Day King
                                                       Billy of Buddha          09:30

                                                  Winton Chuckle
                                                  Happy birthday mate. Catch up tomorrow.

                                                  Robbie the Pict
                                                  Happy 60th Billy. Have a good one   09:34

                                                  Scott Chuckle
                                                  Happy birthday Billy. One of my favourite
                                                  Buddhist aphorisms.. may your bobbi never
                                                  droop!                   09:37

                                                       Dode the Sodge
                                                       All the best Billy       10:21

                                                  Scott Chuckle

               Tommy Tank

                       AUGUST 7, 2020

          Keith Bawbag
          Happy 60th birthday to my favourite Hibs
          supporting, Buddhist, vegetarian, work                           12:14
          colleague and great pal. Love ye Billy x  09:24
                                                       Billy the Bhuddha
               Tommy Tank                              Thanks for awe the kind thoughts, my
               60th? wee cunts had a hard paper round.....  childhood pet was wee Boaby the budgie,
                                         09:26         many happy memories oh playin wi ma wee
                                                       Boaby, (never droopy)
                                                       X                        12:35
               Eric the Hun
               You have a great 60 th William .  09:28
                                                  Keith Bawbag

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