Page 207 - Lockdown Diary
P. 207

Scott Chuckle                                Eric the Hun
                                                       T sorry mate Too many with my new best pal
                                                       yesterday !!!!           12:24

                                                       Tommy Tank
                                                       yeah......and I won't forget it....scarred me for
                                    15:52                                       12:31
                                                       It was like seeing the Queen shake hands
               Tommy Tank                              with Martin McGuinness   12:34
               That's no a mate it's a carer ....mine   16:21
                                                  Scott Chuckle
          Keith Bawbag                            You will never break the bond!!  17:54
          Bootsie and Snudge        16:41
                                                       Tommy Tank
               Tommy Tank                              Specky, you are fucking claimed .I am on my
                                                       way up .Get your glasses aff !!!!  20:23
               Cannon and Ball... one is a son of a gun and
               one is a testicle         16:45
                                                       True...Eric loves you    20:24
          Winton Chuckle
                                                  Scott Chuckle

                                                              AUGUST 16, 2020

                                                       Eric the Hun

                      AUGUST 15, 2020

               Tommy Tank
               anyone up for a beer at Jeremiah's this                          09:19
               a ernoon?                 12:23

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