Page 211 - Lockdown Diary
P. 211

Keith Bawbag                            Keith Bawbag
                                                  In                       10:15

                                                  Robbie the Pict
                                                  Yeah that sounds good Tommy   10:17

                                                       Eric the Hun
                                                       Aye                      11:56

                                                       Tommy Tank
                                                       survey to do in Portobello.....then a couple of
                                                       beers in Jeremiah's if anyone is
                                                       passing.....with a few quid?   12:03

                                                              AUGUST 23, 2020

                                                  Keith Bawbag
                                                  Courtesy of Tam Cowan. How do we know
                                                  William Wallace wasn’t a Rangers fan? Cos
                                                  he paid his face painter.  14:16

                                    11:19              Tommy Tank
                                                       Pish                     14:18
                      AUGUST 22, 2020
                                                  Scott Chuckle
                                                  Plus your English king Tommy had him hung,
               Tommy Tank                         drawn and quartered. His great, great great
               Guys who want's to get involved in this good  great great grandson also played in the 1967
               cause and have a laugh?            European cup winners team.   14:21
               utm_source=Paid_Facebook_2020&utm_med   Tommy Tank
               ium=Social&utm_campaign=Golf_6&utm_ter  We won the European Cup? C'mon the most
               m=Ad_8&fbclid=IwAR1RYcsVx4rdYBMMkzPdn   successful club team in world football.
               LH2gk                     02:04                                  14:25
               ps Scott's not that kinda stroke....  Scott Chuckle
                                         02:05    When? It was the Fair city cup, including
                                                  riots!                   14:27
               Tommy Tank
               Six of us play six holes at six clubs in one  Eric the Hun
               day?                      02:14         Aye and the longest ever run in Europe by any
                                                       Scottish team this in the 2019 /20 season .!!!!!

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