Page 23 - Lockdown Diary
P. 23
Scott Chuckle Dode the Sodge
15:11 Thank you all for tuning in to my saving
money video I hope it helped .
So on next weeks show we have a few guests
Winton Chuckle on separate days .
Mon - Eric will be joining us and telling us
Get her to turn her hearing aid up. 15:12 how to pull a bird and get dumped 3 mins
Tue - we’ve got Billy who is going to teach us
Billy the Bhuddha a chant for inner peace and sanity in these
Thanks George 15:33 troubled times
Wed - in the studio we have Big Baw Bag
talking about golf and Hertz ( he’s only got a
Robbie the Pict 30 second slot so that should cover that )
Thu - we have Winton joining us and he’ll be
15:41 firing into some old crust Doughnuts ( special
recipe )
Fri - we have our very own Scott who will be
Winton Chuckle joining us as a ginger cunt ( non talking part
Nae flies on you George. 15:46 )
Sat - we have the one and only Robbs who
will be banging something with his special
Tommy Tank tool
And saving the best till last on Sunday ,,,,,,
Brilliant 16:08 Tom King will be here in the virtual studio to
talk through total isolation wanking and
how to have a wank with 25 different
Tommy Tank household appliances
I've spoken to McDonald's about closing the I hope you can join us then , stay safe keep
Drive Thru's. Apparently it's because watching
dispensing food to people in cars means staff Peace and love to you all 18:08
breaking the 2m safe distance guidance. I
suggested they use a simple spade to pass
food across. They said they've tried that but Billy the Bhuddha
Leroy wasn't comfortable being dangled out
the window 17:02 18:10
What a week, Canne wait 18:10
Scott Chuckle
Scott Chuckle
I am busy Friday! 18:11
Keith Bawbag
Busy Dode? Love it 18:26
Eric the Hun
17:27 Superb 18:31
Tommy Tank Robbie the Pict
17:55 18:37