Page 18 - Lockdown Diary
P. 18

Scott Chuckle                           Winton Chuckle
       No it was Bozra!!         15:39                                  18:29

            Tommy Tank                         Winton Chuckle
            Yea yer Bozra's hinging oot yer shorts.....a  Video         19:07
            regular habit putting them on show in fact

       Scott Chuckle

       Winton Chuckle
       Lockdown a challenge in itself.  15:55
                                                    Tommy Tank
                                                    Can't believe the Bastard said you can still
            Dode the Sodge
                                                    go outside to exercise......what's my excuse
            If anyone knocks on your door and tells you  now?                20:56
            they're checking you for the Corona Virus and
            have to stick there finger up your Arse don't
            believe them It's a SCAM........ I feel so  Winton Chuckle
            FECKIN STUPID NOW...      18:16
                                                  Video                 21:02
            Tommy Tank

             Dode the Sodge

                                                    Tommy Tank

                                                    Tommy Tank
                                                    Shite time for house breakers, every fucker's
                                                    in                       23:05

                                                    Pal of mine works in Timpsons
                                                    Says he’s going in cos he’s a Key Worker

                                                           MARCH 24, 2020
                                               Scott Chuckle
                                               I thought he was in lock down!  08:06

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