Page 235 - Lockdown Diary
P. 235

SEPTEMBER 21, 2020                Tommy Tank
               Tommy Tank
               Question:                          Scott Chuckle
               1 rabbit saw 9 elephants while going to the
               river. Every elephant saw 3 monkeys going to                12:07
               the river. Each monkey had 1 tortoise in each
               hand.                              Keith Bawbag
               How many animals were going to the river?
                                         00:28    Sounds like you’re bumped to me Tommy 12:08

          Keith Bawbag                            Scott Chuckle
          One                       08:41         I'llbook a table for one!  13:22

               Tommy Tank                              Tommy Tank
               if Covid only comes out at 10 pm why don't  no need....take your NON Chuckle Sister with
               we all go to the pub at 8 am?           you...                   13:24
               and another thing....if the bastard only kills if
               you play loud music and turn the TV volume
               up....why are we safer at home?.....lets all go  Eric the Hun
               to the pub!!!             11:14         Keep mum updated w re a Mc l please  13:27

          Scott Chuckle                           Keith Bawbag
          You are never out the pub!!  11:40      Wrong group?             13:28

               Tommy Tank                         Scott Chuckle
               I was forced to go to the pub because you  Must be your Grinder group Eric!!  14:47
               and the other Non Chuckle Sister failed on
               my Bud delivery...        11:45
                                                       Eric the Hun
                                                       Wrong message !!!
          Winton Chuckle                                                        14:48
          Haven’t forgotten Tom. Was down at the
          Carrier’s on Saturday. Will try this week.   Tommy Tank
                                                       what's Grinder Scott?    14:57
               Tommy Tank
                                                       Tommy Tank
               should let me know when you are going to
               CQ's? I was at Jeremiah's saturday   12:05  Ok let's start with the easy ones to solve this
                                                       world crisis. 1) Sack the non elected Dumnut
                                                       Cummings who is the one advising the so
          Winton Chuckle                               called PM and then ignoring his own advice
                                                       and charge him with putting lives at risk. 2)
          Got to book a table and limit is 6. Willie   Raise a vote of no confidence in the UK
          booked it and we had 6. Next time though.    government and force Johnson resignation 3)
                                    12:07              Implement emergency legislation to form a
                                                       coalition of all UK political parties. 4) Form a

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