Page 236 - Lockdown Diary
P. 236

                         Tommy Tank
            Tommy Tank
            committee of non political scientific advisers
            to the coalition. 5) Prosecute all Ministers
            that have awarded £Billions to almost non
            existent PPE manufacturers. 6) Divert the
            available £Billions to a world beating test
            and trace system and an antidote 7) Request
            a legal enquiry into the UK Governments
            handling of the crisis with jail sentences for
            any minister found guilty of lying to or
            misleading the uk citizens. 8) Replace the
            Queen with St Nicola. 9) Reverse the
            Religious Bigotry influenced decision of the
            SFA to award the SPL Title to Sceptic and                         01:40
            relegate The Jam Tarts. 10) Relegate any SPL
            team whose directors vote against 9). OK
            world crisis solved. Now lets move on to how  Scott Chuckle
            to make your wife happy in bed...1) Leave
            home...2) Give her my phone number.

                  SEPTEMBER 22, 2020

            Dode the Sodge
            I went back to see my doctor yesterday.
            I said, "I applied the pile cream that you gave
            me this morning and I got a very nasty
            "Where exactly did you apply it?" he asked.
            I said, "On the bus!"     09:59

            Tommy Tank                                                  17:48
                                                    Tommy Tank
                  SEPTEMBER 23, 2020                                         17:48

                                                    Dode the Sodge
                                                       Video                 17:52

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