Page 32 - Lockdown Diary
P. 32

Dode the Sodge                     Keith Bawbag
            Is that a code            11:14    What did you say for 16?  11:17

       Scott Chuckle                                Tommy Tank
       Great effort boys          11:14              Who said what? There's multiple
                                                    conversations since Buddah Billy joined
            Billy the Bhuddha
            Hill tae myself           11:14    Scott Chuckle
            Tommy Tank                         Devils woman             11:19
            I'm not accepting 1. Is UP?   11:14
                                               Robbie the Pict
            Dode the Sodge                     18 Blind Side??          11:20
            What time tomorrow        11:14
                                                    Tommy Tank
       Keith Bawbag                                 Nae Robbie               11:21
                                                    Dode the Sodge
       16 , 18 & 26?             11:15              This is a serious question??????
                                                    Is anyone else on the piss ????
                                                    Asking for a friend      11:22
            Billy the Bhuddha
            16 devil wears Prada      11:15
                                               Scott Chuckle
                                               Stopped.                 11:23
       Scott Chuckle
       Where do we find the quizzes? They make me
       feel really liked by the group!  11:15       Dode the Sodge
                                                    Just stopped or stopped  11:23
       Keith Bawbag
       No, thats3 Billy          11:15              Tommy Tank
                                                    1, 16 and 18 disputed    11:24
            Tommy Tank
            16 I already got          11:15         Billy the Bhuddha
                                                    18 The Great Escape or Gone with the Blind
       Keith Bawbag                                                          11:24
       Who said that? It just comes up as a number
       on my phone               11:16              Tommy Tank
                                                    and 20                   11:25
            Tommy Tank
            Yeah I meant 3.           11:16    Robbie the Pict
                                               In lighter news. Bojo has the virus  11:26

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