Page 35 - Lockdown Diary
P. 35
Billy the Bhuddha Keith Bawbag
Scott what was the answer to number 3 in Still no 13:30
the football emoji quiz ? 12:58
Tommy Tank
Keith Bawbag 14 13:30
Video 13:02
Keith Bawbag
Tommy Tank
Whoops added them 13:31
Dode the Sodge
Keith Bawbag 40 13:31
Tommy Tank
100 13:31
Keith Bawbag
Tommy Tank
Fuck still didn't read it right 13:31
13:27 Winton Chuckle
30 13:32
Keith Bawbag
Something to keep you occupied guys 13:28 Keith Bawbag
Winton Chuckle
60? 13:28 Tommy Tank
40 13:33
Keith Bawbag
13:29 Keith Bawbag
No 13:33
Dode the Sodge
60 13:29 Tommy Tank
25 13:34