Page 5 - Jane Renolds "Knots Your Complete Step by Step Guide to Knot, Knot Uses, and Knot Tying"
P. 5

Cow Hitch

                   Girth Hitch

                   Munter Mule

                   Poacher’s Knot

                   Quick Hitch

                   Running Bowline
                   Sliding Double Fisherman’s Knot

                   Timber Hitch

                   Trucker’s Hitch

                   Zeppelin Bend

                Chapter 4 Scouting Knots

                   Barrel Hitch

                   Twisting Constrictor
                   Double Overhand Knot

                   Eye Splice

                   Farrimond Friction

                   Square Lashing

                   Diagonal Lashing

                   Round Lashing

                   Shear Lashing

                   Tripod Lashing

                   Sailmaker’s Whipping

                   Common Whipping

                Chapter 5 Boating Knots

                   Ashley Stopper Knot

                   Bowline on Bight

                   Buntline Hitch
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