Page 6 - Jane Renolds "Knots Your Complete Step by Step Guide to Knot, Knot Uses, and Knot Tying"
P. 6
Carrick Bend
Chain Splice
EStar Stopper Knot
Icicle Hitch with Loop
Halyard Hitch
Heaving Line Knot
Chapter 6 Climbing Knots
Anchor Hitch
Alpine Butterfly Loop
Double Alpine Butterfly Loop
Chain Sinnet
Distel Hitch
Marlinspike Hitch
Midshipman’s Hitch
Rolling Hitch
Round Turn with Two Half Hitches
Back Splice
Cleat Hitch Halyard
Chapter 7 Fishing Knots
Albright Knot
Double Fisherman’s Knot
Arbor Knot
Australian Braid
Bimini Twist
Davy Knot
Egg Loop Knot
Chapter 8 Rescue Knots
Hasty Harness