Page 13 - MUJIB100- Magazine on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
P. 13

1966   On February 5, 1966, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman presented his historic six-point programme known as
                                 Bangabandhu—An Unpublished Interview
                                                                                                                                         the `charter of freedom of the Bengali na on'. It drew the roadmap for the independence of
                                                                                                                                         Bangladesh under the garb of greater autonomy. The programme hit hard at the roots of Pakistani
                                                  Nirmalendu Goon                                                                        colonial rule over the Bengalis. In the Council Mee ng held during March 18-20, Sheikh Mujibur
                                                                                                                                         Rahman was elected the President of Awami League. He travelled far and wide to gain support for
             Bangabandhu—Hoping to meet you, like many other people, I went to your house on the evening of                              his 6-Point programme and was arrested 8  mes, during the campaign, leading the regime to arrest
           March 25. But you didn't come out that day since you were inside a room, busy talking to journalists from                     him finally on May 8, 1966. He was imprisoned for nearly 3 years during this  me.
             home and abroad, as well as to your own party workers. You were busy too talking in secret to Awami
             League leaders about extremely important issues in some other room inside the house. And that was
                                                                                                                                  1968   On January 3, the Ayub government filed a case, known as the 'Agartala Conspiracy Case' against
                                 why on that ill-fated evening I wasn't able to meet you.                                                several Bengalis (Poli cians, members of the Army, Navy and Air Forces, Civil Servants etc) on the
                                                         *                                                                               charge of treason. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was shown arrested on January 18, while already in jail.
           Yes, Mr. Yahya had le  Dhaka secretly without declaring publicly that the ongoing talks with me had come                      He was made number 1 accused and the official name of the case was 'The State vs Sheikh Mujibur
           to an end, and without telling me anything. To have le  in the middle of the talks abruptly was for us all a                  Rahman and Others'. Along with him, 34 others were implicated in the case, bringing the charge of
           signal of imminent danger. I thought now that Mr. Yahya and Mr. Bhu o would no longer be talking to us,                       forced secession of East Bengal with the assistance of India. Mass movement spread across the
            either in Urdu, Punjabi or in English, and of course not in Bangla –they would now be talking to us only                     country demanding the release of all the accused including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. On June 19, the
           with their weapons.  That was the language Yahya Khan's predecessor Field Marshal Ayub Khan also used
                                                                                                                                         trial of the accused began at Dhaka Kurmitola Cantonment under intense security and scru ny.
                                        to talk against the Six Point Movement!

                                                         *                                                                        1969   The  Agartala  Conspiracy  Case  resulted  in  a  na onwide  student  movement  and  mass  upsurge
            Exactly! A li le a er I had le  your house and around 11 that night, “Opera on Searchlight”, an assault                      demanding the withdrawal of the case and the release of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. With con nued
             launched with heavy weaponry began. I was standing in front of Eden Girls College in Azimpur at that                        pressure from the public, the Ayub Khan government on February 22 was forced to withdraw the
              me, observing youths felling trees to set up barricades. Just then, the skies of Dhaka were lit up by a                    Agartala Conspiracy Case and release Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others. A erwards, Sheikh Mujib
              thundershower of bullets. The indiscriminate massacre of people by the Pakistani army had begun.                           was awarded with the  tle 'Bangabandhu' at a recep on of millions of students and masses in a
            “Opera on Searchlight!” They launched an assault on Pilkhana and Rajarbagh. From Jagannath Hall and                          mammoth public mee ng organized by Central Student Ac on Commi ee at the Racecourse (now
            Sergant Zahirul Huq Hall, terrifying, bone-chilling words dri ed towards us, words unheard by us before                      Suhrawardy Udyan) in Dhaka on February 23. At a discussion mee ng held on December 5 to
           that  me. Pitching a tent in front of TSC, Pakistan soldiers also entered nearby Rokeya and Shamsunnahar                      observe the death anniversary of Shaheed Suhrawardy, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
                                                        Hall.                                                                            declared that henceforth East Pakistan would be called Bangladesh.

                                                         *                                                                        1970   Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Awami League President, urged his countrymen to elect
            I knew that instead of being able to persuade me to move away even a hair's length from the “Six Point                       Awami League candidates on the basis of the 6-point demand in the country's first general elec ons
           Demand”, and instead of handing over power to the Awami League, the party that had won the na onal                            held on December 7 (Na onal Assembly), and December 17 (Provincial Assembly), barring few seats
              elec ons, Pakistan's thick-headed army junta and its allies Zulfiqar Ali Bhu o would pounce on my                           in the cyclone affected coastal areas in the south. He chose 'boat' as the symbol to represent Awami
             unarmed people like fierce hyenas. What I wanted was for the people of the world to view and know                            League and the na on's hope. When a million people died in a catastrophic cyclone in the coastal
            what they were up to. I declared Bangladesh's independence soon a er the army crackdown began.  To                           areas on November 12, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman suspended the elec on campaign and rushed to
            broadcast my declara on of independence, I had kept a few E.P.R. soldiers ready. Transmi ers in hand,                        the affected areas. Awami League achieved absolute majority in the general elec ons on December
            they had waited for the green signal from me. In the declara on I said, “From this day Bangladesh is an                      7, winning 167 (including 7 women reserved seats) out of the 169 seats of the Na onal Assembly in
              independent country.” To my people I said as well, “Con nue to wage war  ll the very last Pakistani                        East Pakistan and 298 seats (including 10 women reserved seats) of the 310 seats of the Provincial
              soldier occupying our land is driven away from Bengal's soil; do so  ll we a ain victory decisively.”                      Assembly of East Pakistan.
                        Soon a erwards, Pakistani soldiers surrounded my house and arrested me.
           I knew they had me in the sight of their weapons all the  me. They really didn't want to arrest me; what
           they intended to do is murder me. They thought I would try to flee, and while I was escaping they would                 1971   Following general Yahya khan's postponement of the Na onal Assembly session on March 1, 1971,
           murder me somewhere around my Road 32 house, informing the world a erwards that Sheikh Mujib had                              only  two  days  before  the  session  was  due  to  take  place,  every  sec on  of  the  Bengalis
            been murdered in a feud between Awami League fac ons by extremist elements of his own party. That                            instantaneously came out onto the streets in massive demonstra ons. The Bengalis' aspira ons for
              would have duped the world totally. My own people would be fooled too. I didn't let the Pakistani                          freedom reached an indomitable height. From March 1 onward Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
                                                  strategy succeed.                                                                      Rahman was virtually running East Pakistan as its de-facto head of government. On March 7, in his
           I was the leader of the majority party in Pakistan; the people of East Bengal loved me with all their heart                   historic  speech  before  the  millions  of  people  at  the  Racecourse  Maidan  (Suhrawardy  Udyan),
                                     and soul. Why then would I be the one to flee?                                                       Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman called his fellow countrymen to take all out prepara ons for
                                                                                                                                         the war of libera on and independence of Bangladesh. In this grave situa on Pakistan's President
                                                         *                                                                               General Yahya Khan came to Dhaka and held a series of mee ngs with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
              I supported your sensible decision. Nawab Sirajuddaula got caught in Bhagban Golai while trying to                         between March 16 and March 24, none of which brought about any resolu on. On the midnight of
                       escape through a riverine exit. Did you have that that fateful occasion in mind?                                  March 25, the Pakistan army launched its heinous campaign of genocide against the unarmed
                                                                                                                                         Bengalis. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman proclaimed the Independence of Bangladesh in the early hours of
                                                                                                                                         March 26.
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