Page 28 - MUJIB100- Magazine on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
P. 28

Where the Head is Held High                                                                                                                              Consul General's Note
           AAMS Arefin Siddique

           Today  is  the  15th  of  August.  The  Father  of  the  Na on  Bangabandhu  Sheikh  Mujibur  Rahman  was              Father of the Na on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had been the icon of resistance and beacon of
           assassinated along with his family 45 years ago at dawn of 15 August 1975. We remember the Father of the
                                                                                                                                  hope against tyranny and oppression. No obstacle could stop him from freeing the people of Bangladesh
           Na on with deep reverence on the occasion of this Na onal Mourning Day and pray for the salva on of his                from the shackle of repressive Pakistani regime. His death on the 15th of August 1975, purported by the an -
           departed  soul.  We  also  extend  our  deepest  respect  to  all  those  including  the  family-members  of           libera on segment, remains as the greatest tragedy for Bangladesh. We deeply mourn his death on this 45th
           Bangabandhu, who were martyred on that accursed day.                                                                   anniversary of his martyrdom.
           We are observing the Na onal Mourning Day this year amid a calamitous  me owing to the deadly outbreak                 In only three and half years into Bangladesh's independence, Bangabandhu was successful to place the war-
           of a disease spread by novel coronavirus. Just as we are observing the birth centenary of Mujib by shelving all        ravaged Bangladesh in the trajectory of growth and development. His visions and unwavering figh ng spirit
           formali es, similarly we shall recall the Father of the Na on gently a er adhering to all health-related               have guided Bangladesh through difficult  mes even a er he le  us and kept us on the course to become a
           regula ons. Because of his farsighted leadership, we are today proud ci zens of an independent country.
                                                                                                                                  middle-income country by 2021 and a developed country by 2041.
           The lines of the poem 'Where the Mind is without Fear' composed by the Nobel Laureate Poet Rabindranath                Like all of Bangladesh, there has not been any dearth of excitement and enthusiasm among the Bangladesh
           Tagore about 120 years ago appeared to be a reflec on of Bangabandhu's life. He could embrace death with                community  in  Australia  to  celebrate  the  birth  centenary  of  Bangabandhu.  The  Consulate  General  of
           fearless and silent sophis ca on even during the accursed dawn of 15 August 1975; while staying at his own             Bangladesh in Sydney has also drawn various events to celebrate the birth centenary which has been
           residence  on  Dhamondi's  road-32  during  the  terrifying  night  of  25  March  1971,  he  could  declare  the      declared  as  Mujib  Year  (2020-21)  by  Bangladesh  Government.  Although  some  of  the  planned  events,
           independence of Bangladesh resolutely without any fear in the first hours of 26 March, “This may be my last             including a rally and a photo exhibi on, were postponed due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Mission was
           message, Bangladesh is independent from today”; he could proclaim in a thunderous voice at Dhaka's the                 successful to kick-off the year's celebra on with a dance performance by a Bangladeshi dance troupe, Dhri
           then Racecourse Maidan (now Suhrawardy Udyan) in the a ernoon of 7 March 1971, while helicopters of the
                                                                                                                                  Nartanalaya, portraying the life of Bangabandhu at Bryan Brown Theatre of Sydney on 23 February 2020.
           Pakistani forces hovered above, “The struggle this  me is a struggle for our freedom, the struggle this  me is         Unfortunately, the celebra on of the birth anniversary on 17 March 2020   and the Independence and
           for our independence”; he could start a hunger strike while in jail on 16 February 1952 with the demand for            Na onal Day on 26 March 2020, which was scheduled to take place at NSW Parliament, had to be scaled
           making Bangla the principal state language of Pakistan.                                                                down and done in-house at the Consulate premises to comply with the COVID-19 restric ons. Con ngent
           Therefore, no Bangalis need to repeat what Rabindranath had hinted by saying “The great man is coming”, as             upon the COVID situa on, the Consulate will con nue to organize further events to celebrate the Mujib Year
           that was fully synonymous with the brief but colourful life and mesmerising personality of Bangabandhu,                2020-21. The publica on of this magazine is another effort of the Consulate in the Mujib Year to propagate
           which was full of struggles, suspense, and empathy for the libera on of humans. Bangabandhu is today                   the life and philosophy of Bangabandhu among the Australian audience.
           recognized globally as the greatest Bangali of a thousand years due to his founding of an independent na on-
                                                                                                                                  As we celebrate the birth centenary of this greatest Bangali of all  mes, the world is facing once-in-a-century
           state for the Bangalis and endowing them with a cohesive na onal iden ty. He could raise the Bangali na on             crisis triggered by the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Bangladesh, once again, is drawing inspira ons and
           to this unique height by providing leadership up to his death, while always holding his head high with honour          strength from the unflinching figh ng spirit of Bangabandhu to courageously face the pandemic. Using its
           and dignity.                                                                                                           own model to face COVID-19, the government, under the able leadership of Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh
           The renowned Bri sh journalist David Frost had taken a long interview of Bangabandhu a er coming to                    Hasina, has intervened  mely, decisively, and successfully to save both lives and livelihoods of the people.
           Dhaka in January 1972. At one stage, Frost asked the ques on, “[In the first hours of 26 March 1971) As you             While keeping the death and infec on under control, the economy has been kept opera onal, which led
           le  your home at 32, Dhanmondi, did you think you would ever see it again?” In reply, Bangabandhu had said,            Bangladesh to post the highest GDP growth (5.24%) of the year among all Asian countries.
           “I didn't, I thought this was the last, but if I die as a leader with my head up, at least they will not be ashamed;
                                                                                                                                  Let the birth centenary of Bangabandhu keep our moral high in the face of the challenges of the pandemic
           but if I surrender to them, my na on, the people of my country could not show their face to the world. It is           and  unite  us  to  con nue  to  collec vely  pursue  Bangabandhu's  dream  of  Sonar  Bangla-  the  Golden
           be er that I die keeping the pres ge of my people.”                                                                    Bangladesh.
           In reply to another ques on of David Frost, Bangabandhu had said, “A man who is ready to die, nobody can
           kill him. You can kill a man physically, but can you kill a man's soul? You can't. It's my faith.” To another of       Khandker Masudul Alam
           Frost's ques on, Bangabandhu responded by saying, “I love my people first. I know that a human being has to             Consul General of Bangladesh
           die one day, either today, tomorrow, or the day a er tomorrow. Therefore, every human should die like a                Sydney, NSW, 15 August 2020
           courageous man.”
           Bangabandhu was similarly calm, tranquil, bere  of worries and fear before the killers of 15 August 1975. He
           embraced death by holding his head high. Bangabandhu's memoirs wri en in jail have now been published.
           His books 'Unfinished Memoirs', 'Prison Diaries' and 'The New China as I Saw' should be essen al reads for
           the children of our new genera on. I discern many unknown facts of history from these valuable books. We
           are  forever  grateful  for  the   reless  effort  and  inspira on  extended  by  Bangabandhu's  wife  Sheikh
           Fazilatunnesa  Mujib  for  her  suppor ve  role  in  the  wri ng  of  these  books  as  well  as  her  important
           contribu ons toward our na onal life. Begum Mujib has indebted the whole na on forever through her
            mely and sagacious advices to Mujib during various cri cal junctures of the na on.
           We observe strange similari es in so many instances of human lives. The book 'Unfinished Memoirs' was
           wri en by Bangabandhu while in jail. Its preface was wri en by his daughter Sheikh Hasina on the 7th day of
           the grief-stricken month of August 2007, while si ng in the dark room of a sub-jail set up in Dhaka. His
           daughter Sheikh Hasina has been providing leadership to this country's 160 million people by upholding the
           ideals of his father. In the preface to the book 'Unfinished Memoirs', Sheikh Hasina has wri en, “My father
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