Page 134 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 134

Technical Education

               Studio Art & Design I & II                         representation and museum collection purchases.
               (Orange High School)                               Applied artists put their artistic skills and commercial
                                                                  knowledge at the service of multiple clients including
               College Tech Prep
               Prerequisite: Studio art assessment, portfolio,    local, national and international businesses,
               reference letter and interview.                    commercial organizations, non-profit groups,
               Prerequisite:  Interview by the Instructor.  By    corporations with in- house art departments, card/gift
                 program start date student must have completed   industry, fashion industry, industrial design/product
                 coursework required for junior status at their home   industry, retail and wholesale companies/stores, and
                 school including seven (7) credits with a        publishing firms.
                 mandatory two (2) credits each earned in English
                 and Mathematics.
               Recommended For: College Bound/Technical           Teacher Education and
               3 credits each year                                Children’s Health I & II
               6 credits through Cuyahoga Community College       (T.E.A.C.H.)
               12 credits through Kent State University
               Career: A                                          (Fairmount Early Childhood Center at Beachwood)
                                                                  College Tech Prep
               The expectation in Studio Art & Design is to prepare   Prerequisite: Interview by Instructor.  By program
               self -motivated, creative students for careers in the   start date student must have completed coursework
               visual arts by developing a comprehensive portfolio   required for junior status at their home school
                                                                    including seven (7) credits with a mandatory two
               for college acceptance. The program aims to prepare   (2) credits each earned in English and
               students to be, College & Career Ready. All art      Mathematics.
               students will be introduced to the multiple careers in   Recommended For:  Students who want to pursue a
               the visual arts through the use of social media, guest    degree in education or related field
               speakers, class instruction and our own professional   3 credits each year
               networking resource, “ARTatWORK”.                  3 credits through Cuyahoga Community College
                                                                  7 credits through Lakeland Community College
                                                                  30 credits through University of Akron
               Curriculum Expectations                            3 credits through Kent State University
                      To  embrace  creative  problem  solving  and
                       visual  communications  while  developing   Career: P

                       individual expressions within content, image
                       and message.                               The T.E.A.C.H program prepares students to fill a
                      To  develop  a  personal  philosophy  of  art   vital role in the education and health of children. This
                                                                  program teaches content knowledge in child
                       based  on  aesthetic  theories,  personal   development, curriculum, common core, early
                       development and cultural influences.       learning content standards and educational theory as
                      To  design  authentic  learning  related  to   well as middle childhood development and children’s
                       multiple careers in art.                   health. High school students receive the opportunity
                                                                  to teach and care for children in many different
               CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                               learning environments. The first year stresses basic
               Fine Art, Graphic Design, Illustration, Advertising,   skills needed to work with children of all ages.
               Product Design, Animation, Art Education, Art      Students travel with the instructor to different lab
               History, Architecture, Display Design, Painting,   schools to develop the concepts and skills needed to
               Interior Design, Photography, Art Direction,       work with children.
               Freelance Artist and Urban Landscape Design.       The second year of the T.E.A.C.H program further
               Fine artists create art to satisfy their own personal   develops content knowledge and essential teaching
               vision and self-expression and may choose to exhibit   skills and strategies necessary to become a
                                                                  professional or teacher ready to work with children of
               their work in local, national and international shows.   all ages. The students apply knowledge of child
               They may also submit proposals for publicly funded   development and best practices while working in
               art projects (i.e. murals), private and corporate   independent internships with children for the entire
               commissions, corporate collections, gallery        school year. Students who meet both attendance and
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