Page 129 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 129

Technical Education

               Fire/EMS Training                                    •  CPR/First Aid Training

               Academy I & II                                     The second year, students will spend the first

               Juniors (Tri- C East Campus)                       semester at Tri C Eastern Campus enrolled in a
                                                                  college level EMT class and the second semester is
               Seniors (Tri-C West Campus)                        spent at Tri C Western Campus attending the Fire
               College Tech Prep                                  Academy. It should be stressed that the EMT and
               Fire/EMS I                                         Firefighting programs are at a college level and
               Foundations of Fire Fighting and Emergency Medical   require substantial study time outside of class time to
               Services                                           be successful.  Students must achieve and maintain
               Fire/EMS II                                        an 80% grade average and meet the attendance
               EMT 1  sem, Fire I 3  quarter, Fire II 4  quarter   requirements in order to be eligible to sit for the State
               Pre-requisite: Interview by the instructor. By program   examination.
                start date student must have completed coursework
                required for junior status at their home school
                including seven (7) credits with a mandatory two (2)   Health Informatics I & II
                credits each earned in English and Mathematics. To   (Northern Career Institute-Eastlake Campus)
                enter the EMT/Fire Academy all students are       Health Informatics I
                required to have a physical on file by the start of   Consists of Data and Use and Transforming Data into
                their junior year.                                Information
               Recommendations: Good discipline record, good      Health Informatics II
               study habits                                       Consists of Billing and Coding and Problems and
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Solutions
               Education                                          Prerequisite: Interview conducted by the instructor.
               3 credits each year                                By the program start date student must have
               6 credits through Cuyahoga Community College       completed coursework required for junior status at
               15 credits through University of Akron             their home school including seven (7) credits with a
               6 credits through Kent State University            mandatory two (2) credits each earned in English and
               22 credits CT2                                     Mathematics.
               Career: H, P                                       Recommended For: College Bound/Technical
               Be sure to read course description before          3 credits each year
               committing to this program.                        8 credits through Lakeland Community College
                                                                  Career: B, H
               The Fire/EMS Training Academy is partnered with
               Cuyahoga Community College and is a two-year       Health Informatics is a fast-growing career in the
               commitment. Students have the potential (provided   healthcare pathway.  Ideally it is the fusion of
               you meet all requirements of the program) to take the   healthcare, information technology, and business
               State of Ohio Emergency Medical Technician and     administration and guides their integration into
               Professional Firefighter Exam. Upon completion,    different aspects of the healthcare sector at both the
               students will be immediately employable after      individual and population levels.  It incorporates
               graduation.                                        collecting, analyzing, and using data to make
               The first year students learn the foundations of the   informed decisions regarding the healthcare system
               Firefighting and EMS field, featuring a wide variety   as well as to improve the efficiency of it.  Students
               of practical learning                              work through healthcare-based scenarios in this
               experiences and related academic classes. Students   project-based learning environment to complete
               will be exposed to and become proficient in        projects that will improve how information and
               foundational skills necessary in the Fire and EMS   technology in the healthcare system is discovered,
               career, including:                                 delivered, and utilized.   Some career pathways from
                 •  Communications                                Health Informatics may include: health information
                 •  Leadership and teamwork                       specialist, medical billing and coding specialist, and
                 •  Problem solving skills                        data analyst with additional schooling.
                 •  Safety and wellness
                 •  Ethical and legal responsibilities
                 •  Employability Skills
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