Page 128 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 128

Technical Education

               Digital Arts and                                   Senior year for three days a week, students are
                                                                  provided with the opportunity to obtain and maintain
               Technology I & II                                  and internship throughout the entire school year.

               (Aurora High School)                               Students are able to work for, and alongside
                                                                  professionals in the related field. This internship
               College Tech Prep                                  opportunity will provide unparalleled real life
               Prerequisite:  Interview by the Instructor.  By    experience, help develop respect and understanding
                program start date student must have completed    for the field and provide a foundation for professional
               coursework required for junior status at their home    network.
               school including seven (7) credits with a mandatory
               two (2) credits each earned in English and
                Mathematics.                                      Exercise Science & Sports
               Recommended GPA: 2.5 or better
               Recommended For: College Bound/Technical           Rehabilitation
                 Education                                        (Brush High School)
               3 credits each year                                College Tech Prep
               6 credits through Cuyahoga Community College       Health Science and Technology
               12 credits through Kent State University           Exercise and Athletic Training, Medical Terminology
               Career: A                                          Athletic Injuries and Preventions
                                                                  Prerequisite:  Interview by Instructor.  By program
               Be sure to read course description before          start date student must have completed coursework
               committing to this program.                        required for junior status at their home school
                                                                  including seven (7) credits with a mandatory two (2)
               The Digital Arts & Technology program is geared    credits each earned in English and Mathematics.
               towards the students who are interested in digital   Recommendations: Good attendance and disciplinary
               photography, videography, and audio engineering,   record
               cinematography, graphic design and digital         3 credits each year
               media.  Students will receive training on how to   3 credits through Kent State University
               market the aforementioned skills and advance their   3 CT2 college credits
               careers or post-secondary education. Basic         Career: H, P
               photography and camera skills are taught using our
               array of DSLR cameras, studio lighting, strobes, and   This health science program is designed to build
               software such as Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.    academic and practical skills in functional anatomy
               The videography/cinematography component of the    and exercise science, along with the basics of injury
               program involves music videos, short films,        recognition, management, and prevention.  Exercise
               documentaries, presentations and special           Science & Sports Rehabilitation also offers real work
               effects.  Students utilize high-end DSLR and cinema   experience through shadowing and clinical hours in
               cameras and software to professionally edit video. A   an approved healthcare facility.
               third tier of Digital Arts & Technology is audio   Students wishing to attend college will have a good
               engineering. We use industry standard audio        foundation for a declared major in any health related
               recording and mixing software and Avid Pro Tools.   field. Students will be required to join the student
               Students will learn the basics of audio by means of   organization Health Occupations Students of
               recording techniques, microphone placement, and    America (HOSA) and may compete in local, regional
               mixing. First year students meet every day in the   & national activities. Students may earn a CPR
               morning where all aspects are taught to a basic    certification, a personal training certification
               level.  Students will be encouraged to gravitate   (ACSM) and certification as a physical therapy aide
               towards their desired area of specialization.      (AMCA).
               Throughout the two years, students will learn 21st
               century skills in digital arts, professional networking,
               and technology.  Students will create their own online
               portfolios that they will take with them into the job
               market.  Most importantly, everything is taught from
               a business standpoint so these skills can be utilized in
               the business world.

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