Page 127 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 127

Technical Education

               Cosmetology I & II                                 placement.  Additional optional certification
                                                                  programs including hair extensions and airbrush
                (Alpha Park or Northern Career Institute-         makeup are available.
                 Willoughby Campus NCI-W)                         Upon successfully passing the State Board of
               COS I                                              Cosmetology exam, the student will be licensed to
               3 credits – Alpha (Mayfield program)               work in a salon. Students can also earn 20-30 hours
               3 credits – Northern Career Institute              towards an Associate Technical Study degree.
               (Willoughby program)
               COS II
               4 credits – Alpha including 150-hour internship    Culinary I & II
               3 credits – NCI-W including 120-hour internship    (Beachwood High School)
               Prerequisite:  Interview by Instructor.  By program   Culinary I
                 start date students must have completed          4 credits
                 coursework required for junior status at their home   Prerequisite: Interview by instructor.  By program
                 school including seven (7) credits with a        start date, student must have completed coursework
                 mandatory two (2) credits each earned in English   required for junior status at their home school.
                 and Mathematics.                                 Students meet daily for 3 ¾ hours
               Recommendations: Good disciplinary and attendance   Culinary II
                 record– 90% attendance record is required to take   5 Credits (Includes 3 Paid Internship)
                 State test.                                      Students meet daily for 1 ½ hours also 12.5 hours per
               Recommended For:  Technical Education/College      week of paid internship outside of school day
                 Bound or strong interest in massotherapy, fashion   5 credits through Cuyahoga Community College
                 design.                                          6 CT2 credits
               Students must be able to provide their own         Career: B
                 transportation to and from the Internship
               3 credit through Cuyahoga Community College        Culinary Arts I will offer on-site training in our
               3 credits through Lakeland Community College       public restaurant to high school juniors showing
               30 through University of Akron                     interest and aptitude for the food service industry.
               30 Kent State University                           The first year of the two-year sequence consists of a
               Career: P                                          supervised in-school restaurant experience and
                                                                  related instruction.  Using the nationally recognized
               The lab training consists of learning manipulative   ProStart and ServSafe curriculums, students will
               skills such as hair cutting, hair styling, hair tinting,   develop basic skills in food preparation, service and
               permanent waving, blower styling, hot iron styling,   sanitation.
               manicuring, and facials.  Early in the program,    Culinary Arts II offers a coordinated employment
               students practice on mannequins.  As they progress in   experience and curriculum involving restaurant
               skills and hours of instruction, they may practice on   management, culinary theory and culinary math.  The
               customers.                                         ProStart curriculum is endorsed by the National
               The Cosmetology II course is designed to assist the   Restaurant Association Education Foundation and
               student in developing specific skills and scientific   provides each student earning a Certificate of
               knowledge to become a cosmetologist.  The major    Achievement with articulated college credit.  The
               part of the cosmetologist’s education is devoted to   paid internship component allows the students to
               developing and mastering essential specific        work in the food industry after school and weekends
               manipulative skills.                               a minimum of 12.5 hours per week to receive credit
               The students operate a professional customer clinic.   and earnings.  Students must provide their own
               Business management provides the student with the   transportation.
               principles needed to plan and operate a salon as a
               successful business. In order to be eligible to take the
               State exam, students must pass junior and senior
               English, junior chemistry, and both years of lab and
               theory, and participate in 150/120 hours
               (Mayfield/NCI-W) of Internship after school under
               the supervision of a managing cosmetology
               licensee.  The internship is one managing
               cosmetology licensee per student
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