Page 25 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 25

General Information

                                             DUAL CREDIT

               Improving the educational attainment of Ohio citizens is key to ensuring the state’s long-term
               success. Therefore, the state has committed significant resources across the education continuum
               to develop and implement strategies to address this critical issue.  College Credit Plus replaces the
               Post-Secondary  Enrollment  Options  program  as  of  the  2015-2016  school  year.  The  specified
               courses offered at the Mayfield High School by a certified instructor will be the same as those
               offered on the campus of Lakeland Community College.

               The  program  is  open  to  students  in  grades  7-12  who  are  able  to  meet  specific  qualifications
               determined by the state, which include receiving a remediation free overall score on a college
               readiness exam, such as the ACT, SAT or ACCUPLACER.

               To participate, students must be enrolled in both college and high school.   The student will earn
               transcripted college and high school credit upon successful completion of the course. These credits
               are acknowledged at public Ohio colleges and universities. Students are responsible for providing
               intent to the counseling office by April 1st of the prior school year and for taking and earning
               accumulative passing points for the necessary end of course exams at the high school, which act
               as a graduation requirement.

               Three or more semester credits will constitute as one Carnegie unit of high school credit.  A student
               may not take more than 30 college credit hours per year or 120 college credit hours throughout the
               four years of high school.

               Students will earn letter grades from the CCP course.  Grades will be weighted on a honors/AP
               scale dependent upon equivalency of course offerings.  It will be reflected within the high school
               transcript and calculated into the grade point average.

               The student will have an Institution of Higher Learning Advisor and will meet at least once prior
               to the institution’s effective no-fault course drop out date.  An informational meeting for parents
               and students will be offered at the high school and specifics can be found on the school website.

               In regards to  decision making, it is  important  to take into account  learning style, pace, rigor,
               weighting and future college applications.  Therefore, it is necessary to seek advice from your high
               school guidance counselor.

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