Page 29 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 29

General Information

               Schedule changes will not be made for the following reasons:
                    moving a class from one period to another
                    getting an eighth period study hall
                    moving a lunch period to another period or teacher preference.

               Students earning a letter grade of A, B, or C (70-100) at the end of the first semester may NOT drop a
               year-long course without receiving a WF (withdraw/fail) unless there are mitigating circumstances,
               such as a different course is needed for graduation, and that course cannot be scheduled at any other

               Students earning a D or F (0-69), and whose grades are trending down, must schedule a meeting with
               the teacher and the appropriate counselor (or administrator).  If it is determined that it is in the best
               interest to drop the course, the course will be dropped from the student’s schedule only after all the
               proper paperwork has been reviewed through the counseling office.

          5.   Pass/No Pass Option – In an effort to encourage students in grades 10-12 to schedule courses that are
               difficult for them and not affect the student’s point average, we offer each student an opportunity to
               take two courses on a pass/no pass basis. The courses selected will not be included in grade point
               average calculations unless a student receives an unsatisfactory or a no pass.  The grade will show on
               the report card and transcript as pass (P), unsatisfactory (U), or no pass (NP).

               The regulations for pass/no pass are as follows:

                   1.  Only one credit per year can be selected pass/no pass.  Two credits may be selected over a three-
                       year period.
                   2.   Honors and AP classes may not be selected for pass/no pass
                   3.  Any course selected may not exceed one credit
                   4.  To take any course pass/no pass, a student must be carrying a minimum of six (6) credits.
                   5.  You must decide to take a class pass/no pass by September 15 whether you are selecting a first
                       semester or a full – year course.
                   6.   Students may not decide to take the second semester of a full-year class pass/no pass if they
                       received a grade for the first semester.
                   7.  Students taking second semester classes will have the first seven days of the second semester
                       to request pass/no pass.
                   8.  Seniors who plan to participate in Senior Search cannot take a second semester class pass/no
                       pass unless they have above a 4.0 cumulative GPA.
                   9.  The decision to take a class pass/no pass is final, and no course selected on a pass/no pass basis
                       may be changed to a grade later. All attendance rules will be in effect. Daily attendance is
                       required in pass/no pass classes as in any other classes. Students are expected to do their best
                       and to participate totally in all class activities.

               Evaluation for pass/no pass students is conducted in the same manner as it is for other students in the
               class. At the conclusion of the grading period, a grade ranging from an “A” to a “C” is converted to
               “Pass” (P), a “C- “or a “D” is converted to “Unsatisfactory” (U) but passing; and an “F” is converted
               to “No Pass” (NP).

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