Page 37 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 37

Applied Arts

               Business Education Courses

               Accounting                                         Advanced Digital Media

               Grades 10-12                                       Production Self-Paced
               Course Number 612
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Grades 10-12
               Prerequisite:  None                                Course Number SP620
               Estimated Fee:  $25.00                             Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    Prerequisite:  Digital Media Production 2 &
               Career:  B,F,P                                       recommendation
                                                                  Estimated Fee:  $30.00
               This course presents the basic principles of       Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               accounting and introduces the students to the      Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P
               materials  and  terminology  commonly  used.
               Two manual accounting systems are studied          The students who sign up for this year-long
               progressing  from  the  general  journal  and      class  must  have  successfully  completed
               ledger to a system using special journals and      Digital Media Production 1 and 2.  Students
               ledgers.  Students will utilize the accounting     will spend the year creating media that can be
               cycle for a small services business organized      posted  to  the  Mayfield  Web  site,  seen  on
               as  a  sole  proprietorship.    Bank  services,    Channel 22, or sent out for the cyber world to
               payroll  records,  taxes,  partnerships  and       see.  This course will allow students to use
               corporations are among the topics studied.         the fundamental skills they have developed
                                                                  and dazzle people with their creative style.
               Accuracy,  neatness,  completeness  and
               independence are emphasized.  This class is
               highly recommended for students planning to        Advanced Digital Media
               major in business in college.                      Production 2
                                                                  Grades 10-12
               Advanced Digital Media                             Course Number 621

               Production                                         Full Year Course - 1 credit
                                                                  Prerequisite:  Advanced Digital Media Production &
               Grades 10-12                                         recommendation
               Course Number 620                                  Estimated Fee: $30.00
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               Prerequisite:  Digital Media Production 2 &          Education
                 recommendation                                   Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P
               Estimated Fee:  $30.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          The students who sign up for this year-long
                 Education                                        class  must  have  successfully  completed
               Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P                               Advanced     Digital   Media    Production.
                                                                  Students will This year long course builds on
               The students who sign up for this year-long        the  foundation  of  knowledge  from  the
               class  must  have  successfully  completed
               Digital Media Production 1 and 2.  Students        previous  three  Digital  Media  courses,  by
                                                                  offering students the opportunities to direct
               will spend the year creating media that can be     and produce the weekly video show that they
               posted  to  the  Mayfield  Web  site,  seen  on    created  segments  for  in  Adv.  DMP  I  and
               Channel 22, or sent out for the cyber world to     create  and  produce their  own  independent
               see.  This course will allow students to use
               the fundamental skills they have developed         film.  As part of the video show, students will
                                                                  demonstrate  their  understanding  of  all  the
               and dazzle people with their creative style.
                                                                  different  aspects  of  production  (director,
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